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I am Sorcha Whitman's son.

I repeat this one sentence to myself after I jump to the ground. It's snowing, and the soft layer is thicker more than it was in the morning. A dim light is shining in the cabin, so I wait until I'm safe inside the wood to turn on my torch.

The snow has in some way cleaned the air, which makes it bearable without the mask. My limp feels heavy, and I struggle in walking and dragging it. The wind rustles the trees, and the black silhouettes sway. There isn't any sound but the near waves and night crickets, which makes the sound of my thoughts loud and unbearable.

Dr. Sorcha Whitman is my mother.

I try to run away from the thought or push it away, but it keeps on returning and flourishing in my brain, making me think of nothing else. It's hardly been a week since I last saw Tommy, hardly two months since we were all safe and sound in the Glade, but there have been more things in this period than the last two years.

I feel like shouting out while I'm in the wood. I feel alone. All alone in this whole, big world. I shouldn't be feeling so now that I've discovered that I have some family, but that's quite what makes me feel alone.

My mother was a member of WICKED who broke from them for me and started this whole corporation. I should love her, I know, but how should I when she just sees me as a crank that should be secluded in fear that he might explode like a bloody bomb?! My mother thinks that. My very own mother thinks that. What can I say?

The air is cold, and it gives a shivering chill. I cross my arms in hope for some warmth. The woolen collar of my jacket gives some warms to my icy face, but I still feel cold. Deeply cold.

I think of going over to Teresa to check over her and see her. I know she is the betrayer, but she still smells like home. She smells like friends. And this is all I really want right now.

When I go there, I find her tent lightened. A nurse is present to watch over her. I sneak a look over her from the window. From the distance, she looks fine in some way now. Her pearl-white face has been cleaned, and her hair is neatly placed on the side. I still remember the day she came up in the box. 'She's the last one ever' the note she had said. We all thought for a full second that she was dead until she sprinted out and said the words I never shall forget.

"Everything is going to change."

And everything since then has been changing.

When I can't bear thinking of this all, I go to proceed my way. Everyone is seeing me as a crank, apparently; however, I'll not let that let me down now. I will show them what this crank will do, and I am prepared to accept to consequences.

I finally reach the entrance of the pits. It's darker than it was at day, and to be honest, more frightening. There's something queer in this place, as if there's something fumed in the air that makes a person's heart jump and his brain shout to run away. Anyways, I can't run now that I'm here.

I descend the stairs holding the torch in a hand and the gun in the other in case I need it for anything. Nice and easy. You can't be scared of cranks if you're one, yourself. They can't hurt me. I'm the one with the gun, and no matter what others say, I still have the brain those bloody cranks lack.

I finally reach the sieged center. The place is cold that I've lost the feeling of my fingers and toes. I close my eyes and try to listen. The Maze taught me to listen. It can help you find your way back to the Glade, and it can quite save your bloody life if a griever has decided to say, 'Hi!'

The air is filled with dead silence, but finally, I find it again: a soft sound of humming as if echoing from a dream, but I know it is not from a dream, for sounds in dreams come from everywhere, yet this sound comes from one place: the second corridor behind the fence.

I clutch the torch in my mouth and use all my power to climb over the old fence. After I'm up, I close my eyes and jump.

I land on safe on the floor, but my limping leg sends a terrible spark of pain.

After that, I continue following the sound in the dark place to find my way.

The path is lined with cells sealed by high fences. I take the courage and look inside. There's nothing in except for rats, skeletons, and corpses. It all looks empty as if life has been snatched from the place, and all is left of it is yellowed bones.

The presence of footsteps on the ground drags my attention. Someone's been here. I get some hope.

After walking a fair deal in this graveyard, I sense the sound to be growing louder in my ears until I locate it to be just one wall from me. I search for the door and find it. Surprisingly, it sways on its own without any effort. When I direct my light to look in the cell, my eyes jump out due to what I see.

It's a girl.


Hope you've liked this chapter, if so, please consider giving it a vote and telling me your opinion. Who do you think is the girl Newt's found? And what do you think she's doing all alone in the crank pits?? Thank you for reading so far, and see you soon, Gladers!


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