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Keir turns five today, playing with a three-year-old Coen.

Ilyas had found his mate that stumbled onto pack territory shortly after Keir had been brought into this world. It was a shock though...because his mate was a luna's daughter running for her life from a pack of rogues that's recently slaughtered her entire pack.

We found out exactly who Ilyas' character was...because he took her last name in honor of her mother's position and that of the dead alpha.

Tamra Hale is an amazing woman who I've come to know as the sister I never had. Our sons are inseparable, Keir and Coen always getting into trouble, especially when it comes to sneaking a second dessert.

"Vanilla with cherries," I release a sigh at the odd taste Keir had inherited as of late. I stare at the cake Zeta had helped Tamra and I bake.

"Haha!" Keir's sweet laughter causes the aura of the living room to lighten. Coen chases him around the coffee table, giggling when Keir jumps up onto the couch.

"Aww," Tamra gently nudged my arm and states, "those two boys are long lost blood brothers, I swear!"

I eye her and ask, "Should we let Keir open one of his presents early?" Winking at her, she nods, grinning with the same excitement the boys will hold soon enough.

"Keir," I call for him, watching his eye widen when he turns to see me holding a present.

He runs right off the back of the couch, landing with the grace and agility of a cat before he nearly crashes into my legs. He's jumping up and down going, "Oh! Oh! Mamma! Please?!"

"I wouldn't have brought it out to tease you with," I watch his eyes grow bright, handing him the present before he sits on the floor and tears into the wrapping paper. Coen wanders over, staring over his shoulder as two water guns come into view. Coen stares with wide eyes when I tell Keir, "One is for Coen."

"Well duh, mamma..." Keir rolls his eyes, a little sarcastic attitude coming through.

I place my hands on my hips and ask, "Excuse me?"

Keir's demeanor shifts as Rakkon now stands behind our son, looking up very carefully and then laughing nervously before saying, "Sorry mamma..."

"That's not the only surprise," I wink at him and his brows with utter confusion. While Tamra helps the boys fill the water guns from the outside hose, Zeta helps me gather the water balloons we'd filled earlier for the pups to have a fun water balloon fight.

As I stand to my feet from dropping the balloons in my arms into the bin, Rakkon's arms wrap around me. I breathe out, giggling when his breath tickles my neck, his voice holding concern as he asks, "How are you feeling?"

"It's not as bad as when I was pregnant with Keir," I smile back touching his cheek from over my shoulder. Rakkon's hands move over my swollen belly, feeling a faint kick from her in return. He chuckles as he feels the movement, pressing back gently to acknowledge the unborn pup's existence.

"I'm glad," there's relief in his voice. After what had happened with Keir, I was beyond frightened when I found out I was pregnant again. Rakkon had helped ease my fears, knowing we'd be prepared this time around should anything change and I was to notify him and Nakissa the second something did.

A moment later, a very drenched Fern comes to stand in front of the bin. Rakkon's touch leaves me as her eyes lift to meet with mine. She asks, "Can I take them now?"

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