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It's a meeting I walk into, the following morning after breakfast is all but reduced to scraps. The door shuts silently behind me, the pack gathered in the living room while Alpha Zenon stands at the head in front of the fireplace.

I keep my hands in the pockets of my hoodie, my gaze flickering briefly while I hear him announce, "Sundown they will arrive."


Who's visiting?

"Arrangements have been made, trackers will surrender their rooms for the duration stay of the Nightshade Prowlers Pack," my heart stops in my chest when I catch on to what is happening, Alpha Zenon finishing with, "tents are marked off to the east grounds."

Thankfully, it would be seen as completely disrespectful and rude to allow any guest to stay in the basement, so I get to keep my room.

"Dismissed," Alpha Zenon concludes, excitement buzzing among pack members as they go about their duties to prepare the pack territory, the grounds becoming a sight for speculation. While they tend to their chores, I slink into the kitchen, finding a burnt waffle to be the only thing edible before I duck out the back door. The wind picks up the free strands of my hair, seeing the branches are slowly losing all of their leaves, becoming barren like the she-wolf that continues to visit Jaison.

I pity her, but I'd never say a word to her face as she'd sooner kill herself then hear a sympathetic word leave my lips.

I wander toward the furthest reaches of the pack territory, walking for awhile as I let the air clear my head. She wants to run free, but I fear her size will draw attention, even though wolves wouldn't dare cross our territory, should a rogue see her, we'd be dead. Keeping skin form allowed for me to climb the low trees, though I'm much weaker now then I've ever been...

Releasing a heavy sigh, I find and gather the different colored leaves, believing they will make an excellent addition to my journal entries as I can mark the change of the season.

I wander back through the pathways, catching sight of one tracker in fur form. Their golden irises regard me briefly before snapping at my side. I'm quick to move away, falling back in line as I hear a snort almost...amusement the wolf retains at my expense.

I leave this area of the territory far behind, edging back toward the pack lodge with hours behind me. There are many decorating and making the area look quite nice, things that have been left to the ideals of spring cleaning are now taking president. I climb the steps to the porch, having to step back and to the side as a group of she-wolves exit the building, followed by Diccan and Z'ev.

I hardly am spared a glance, but when no one else decides to leave, I head inside and down the basement steps. It's a quick journey to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me while I kick my shoes off and settle on the covers. My back rests against the headboard, drawing my knees up while I rest the backing of the journal against it.

I flip through the pages, coming to present day before I press the leaves between the pages. I'm reminded of the time that's passed, recalling the last visit from the Nightshade Prowlers Pack was when I had just turned fifteen. It's been just over eleven years, wondering if this is another get-together to strengthen whatever truce we have with them.

It'll be best if I keep out of sight, unsure if my presence will bring bad spirits between the two. I'll come up for dinner, but before the entertainment for the evening can begin, I'll slip away again. I don't even know how long they are staying for, not hearing the entire announcement from Alpha Zenon.

One Night With The Alpha |18+✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن