Chapter 1: Game Day

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Isaiah had just given the ball his best kick and was now watching Jonathan and Caleb blast across the field after it. The clock was down to one minute and this would be the point to win the game for them or blow it for them. Isaiah watched as the clock slowly counted down the time, seemingly flowing in slow motion. The other team jumped him and he threw the ball into the air. Jonathan bounded into the air and caught it and continued to run. Isaiah was hopeful but still nervous about the game. He often would feel anxiety on the field since, when he applied for the team, he just made the cut. Isaiah looked up just as Caleb managed to break free from the other team and take off running just in time for Jonathan to get tackled and throw the ball to him. He could see that he was really pushing himself as hard as he could; he could tell by how fast he was moving. Caleb pushed through one last person and jumped onto the goal line. The crowd of students in the bleachers started to scream and go wild. He threw the ball to the ground and did his own brand of victory dance.

Caleb looked up at the people in the bleachers and raised his hands in the air at the cheering crowd. He could see Sheena, his girlfriend of three years. Sheena, the girl of everyone's dreams, five foot six, one hundred and twenty pounds with blonde hair and brown eyes and a beautiful figure. She was the girl that everyone sought after but she was his girlfriend. They were considered to be the school power couple. Although she was beautiful, her attitude would often be a turn off to most guys. She was his first girlfriend and he loved her but sometimes he had a hard time dealing with this attitude. It had been a particularly rough day with her. She had wanted to go to the mall at lunch time, but he wasn't able to because his father had put the time lock on the truck, so she blew up at him. Sitting with her was her two friends Stephanie and Katelyn who were kind of her followers. He looked over at the parent's section, Chris, Jonathan, and Mike and Andrew. All their parents were sitting there, Caleb's parents, as usual they weren't there. They had been gone for almost a week now and probably wouldn't be back for another two or three days.

The crowd in the bleachers slowly cleared out to the point that only Sheena, Stephanie and Katelyn were left back. The coach blew the whistle that hung around his neck. The sound almost made Isaiah flinch, the high-pitched tone for some reason went right through him and it was something he still hadn't gotten used to.

"Good job, good job! Hit the showers, guys," called Coach Adams as he dropped the whistle back around his neck. The coach was a short stumpy man but when it came to football he knew his stuff and he was certainly passionate about the sport. Caleb walked down the field with Jonathan, Isaiah, Mike and Andrew. He looked at Isaiah as he walked watching him move. The two of them hadn't really spoken but Caleb had always admired him. He was on the football team and he was an academic, a bit of a nerd even. How he managed to do so well in both always quietly amazed Caleb.

"Caleb," yelled Sheena waving at him from the bleachers. Caleb blatantly ignored her as she called to him, clearly not in the mood to deal with her. Caleb smiled at Isaiah as he realised that he was starring at him.

"Good job, bud," said Caleb. Isaiah smiled at him almost bashfully, still not quite used to getting compliments on his performance on the field, especially from the other guys on the team. He was often teased by them because he was smaller and there were other rumours that floated around about him.

"Thanks," said Isaiah. Jonathan walked up beside Caleb he was excited about having just won the game. He had heard Sheena call out to Caleb. He was his best friend since fourth grade. They had met at a football camp one summer and had been good friends since then. He wasn't the biggest fan of Sheena. He didn't like the fact that she was so controlling of him and he just seemed to let her do it. Nonetheless, he thought he would make sure Caleb knew she was calling to him because he didn't want to have to listen to it later.

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