(A/N: How I imagined Regnier to look like, except he has long hair and looks a little more masculine. IKEMEN! I don't own the photo, got this off of pinterest.)

Regnier's upper body was bare and it reflected off his defined abs and back muscles, his mouth watery mermaid line. He only wore a black shendyt* embroidered with gold designs.

(Shendyt - kilt like garment worn in ancient Egypt.)

Regnier raised his eyebrows at Sairi's direct challenge. Regnier only handsomely smirked and a mischievous light flashed in his eyes, "Let's make a bet too shall we, Silver Reaper?"

Sairi didn't think of anything and readily agreed, "Alright."

He also didn't see the look in the other man's eyes. After all, he was only thinking about finding his mate, after he finished Regnier off. Boi was he wrong about Regnier.

Regnier raised his finger and shook it, "Hear me out first before you agree, Silver Reaper."

"Let's see who will be able to knock down the other first."

Sairi didn't see anything wrong with Regnier's proposal and nodded. "En. What results"

Regnier's smirk grew, "If I win, you will become mine."

Sairi's brows scrunched up, "If I win, you'll die by my hands."

He didn't want to play any mini games with Regnier, he had already set his heart on winning. He didn't understand what Regnier's words meant and thought that he (R) meant, as in becoming his 'source of meat'.

Regnier tilted his head a little and gave a wink, "Sounds good."

Bao Bao felt like his host has just encountered a major creep. Ah, what in the might world is this? Why does my host attract such a creepy guy... Host please don't lose. Bao Bao feels Bao Bao's sixth sense danger radar going off around him...

The crowd went wild, it was the top two rank were-cats and they were going to face off. Soon enough, word spread of their match and many dropped what they were doing so that they could watch this. Some even were smart enough to try and make money by selling refreshments and food to the audience.

The news hit even to the gates of the city and the people in line started shoving, they wanted to see this match as they knew that it was once in a life time event. Rose who was waiting in line also heard of the news and grew excited.

If Sairi could become first place, she wouldn't have to worry about others targeting her. He would be the strongest and he would be there to protect her.

(A/N: Ey you ninny! Keep your delusions at least to a little more real. He doesn't even pay any attention to you... How did you come up that he would protect you? Just wait, I'm going to snitch on you to mama bear Bao Bao. He'll slap you all the way across the galaxy.)

Rose started to day dream about their future together, even to how their kids would look like. It was so beautiful, that it was almost blinding. She blinked, her eyes filled with mirth as she came back to her senses. Now she really had to catch him. 

Sairi felt a shiver run down his spine and looked around the crowd but didn't see that cockroach. Maybe it's just my imagination...

Sairi turned back and faced Regnier, "Shall we begin, King of the Beasts?"

His heart felt strange, it was something he hadn't felt before but currently he needed to focus on the matter at hand. He pushed the strange feeling to the back of his mind. Sairi needed to focus on this match 100%, with just a glance Sairi was able to discern that Regnier was stronger than he was.

Regnier grinned, "Of course."

Everyone in the audience was so shocked, the Regnier that barely spoke had said so much today! Was the world going through a new revelation? Will there be a meteor shower tonight?

They thought it was a miracle that this stone faced man was expressing so much today, even talking like a 'normal' were-cat.

The two walked up and greeted each other. They shifted to their feline forms, Sairi a snow leopard and Regnier a black panther. He was much larger than Sairi's feline form, from snout to tail he was 3.6 meters. At least one meter larger in size.

If no one knew who Sairi was, they would've felt the need to laugh at him. It was almost laughable at the size difference of their feline form. But they all knew that this Silver Reaper was a devil, and to his core. He would slaughter without mercy and wouldn't even give the enemy a chance to concede in the fight.

Without hesitation, Sairi initiated his insanity form and charged at Regnier. His sapphire eyes seemed to come alive as the color of them began to change. His eyes also became bloodshot from the activation. Sairi hadn't used this form since his first match with Ivon, this would only be the third time he's ever used it.

Regnier leaped away, barely escaping Sairi's vicious claws. Sairi striked again, he didn't leave any breathing room for Regnier. It was like a fierce tango dance that was happening. The two were like enemies forced to hold hands for this dance.

Because of the power boost from the insanity form, Sairi had caught up to Regnier's strength. There were many times where Sairi, would lightly nick at him.

The crowd was cheering so loud in the background, Rose had finally gotten through the gates and ran to the match as soon as possible. She saw two enormous felines, one black and one silver one but the black one was clearly larger.

This troubled Rose, because black panthers were one of the elite clans in the were-cat community, they could be seen as royalty. Rose didn't know whether she should cheer on Sairi or that black panther. If somehow she cheered on the wrong one, she would be doomed.

Rose didn't even care if the black panther looked ordinary, his status was enough to make others tremble before her and look up to her as a goddess. Rose bit the bottom of her lip. Ah, hell whatever.

Rose, only shouted one thing, "Go get him!"

(A/N: Conversation between Bao Bao and author-san.

Author: Hey, Bao Bao.

Bao Bao: ...

Author: Hey, Bao Bao.

Bao Bao: ... Stop calling me!

Author: Hey, Bao Bao~~. ( ƅ°ਉ°)ƅ

Bao Bao: WHAT! (ꐦ ಠ皿ಠ ) I'm trying to focus on my host here, okay?! My baby is about to whoop someone's ass. I don't have time for you.

Author: Heeeyyyy~ Bao Bao, who do you think will win?

Bao Bao: Hmph, of course it's going to be my host!

Author: Reallyyyyy~~~~?

Bao Bao: What you trying to say? (ʘ言ʘ╬)

Author: Nothing~ Hehe~

Bao Bao: ... *eyes at the author with suspicion*

Bao Bao: Who do you think will win then?

Author: Ummm.... hehe~ You'll have to find out in the next chapter! ☆٩(•౪•٩) =з=з=з )

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