The ride felt much longer than it actually was, but finally Hotch pulled into the parking garage and all the passengers besides Anya got out of the car as soon as Hotch had stopped it. JJ stopped to hold the door open for the nervous looking Anya who almost didn't want to go out.

"Come on," JJ said, trying to not sound too impatient and holding out a hand for Anya to take.

Carefully, she put her hand in JJ's and climbed out of the car. She was surprised how far away the other agents had gotten, but then she remembered how anxious they must've been to see their friend again.

So Anya hurried after JJ, trying to keep up with the blonde. She didn't want to delay them anymore and frankly, she needed to see Emily too even if she was shaking with nervousness.

Hotch held the elevator open so the rest could get in and Rossi pressed the button to take them to their floor.

Only seconds later the elevator announced itself on the right floor. Hotch stepped out first and saw both Morgan and Garcia in the bullpen behind the glass doors, but no Emily. When the agents walked into the bullpen they looked around to see if they could find Emily, but she wasn't there. Didn't she come with them home? Morgan did say she would.

"She's in your office, sleeping," Morgan said, looking at Hotch.

"Can we see her?" JJ asked, taking a step forward and that's when Morgan saw the little girl in the back. He raised his eyebrows in question and JJ followed his gaze. "That's Anya. She had nothing to go home to and we thought Emily would like to see her."

"Yes, Emily told me about her. I think she'll be happy to see her," Morgan agreed. "I will try to wake her up. She has been sleeping for a while now."

Morgan left them standing in the bullpen and quietly entered the office. He looked at her sleeping form that looked relatively peaceful now. She had woken up a few times from a terrifying nightmare and the way she had screamed made Morgan's heart break.

Carefully not to startle her, he reached forward and shook her shoulder.

"Em, princess, time to wake up," he whispered and watched as she started to stir, but didn't wake up. "Emily, open those beautiful eyes please."

Her eyes started to flutter and soon two big chocolate colored eyes looked straight into his own.

"There you are," he smiled, sweetly.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked, worriedly.

"They're here," Morgan said.

"They?" Emily first asked but then her eyes widened in realization. "They're already here? I don't know if I can do this."

"Of course you can. We've been through this before and seeing Garcia went well," Morgan tried to calm her.

"Okay, I'm sorry," Emily sad sadly while sitting up.

Taking a deep breath she left the couch and walked towards the front door. Her face was still covered in old make up and she was wearing the same men's clothes she had gotten at the mansion on top of the lingerie she'd been forced to wear. Right now she didn't care if they saw her like that, in those clothes. No, she actually looked relatively fine. It was underneath those oversized clothes that they would see how damaged she really was.

Morgan opened the door and let Emily walk out first. As soon as Emily stepped out of the office, the room was filled with gasps. Gasps over the way she looked or because they finally saw that she was alive, she didn't know. JJ was the first one to run up and hug Emily tightly.

"I'm so happy to see you in one piece," she whispered.

"Trust me, I am too," Emily smiled and waited for JJ to pull away, letting the blonde decide how long the hug should last.

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