Stiles; Stiles' Daughter

Start from the beginning

She took a seat next to Jonah again. "How are you feeling?" He asked her, the concern in his voice was heart warming.

"I'm fine. Don't be so worried about me, okay?" She gave him a small smile, trying to convince him that she was fine, but the shakiness in her voice told him otherwise.

"I can't help it. I'm stressing over your dad. He's going to kill me as soon as he meets me." Jonah panicked.

"What about your dad? Aren't you worried about what he might think?" Y/N asked.

"No, I told him that we were heading out to a party. Didn't think it'd get this messy, but it's alright. He doesn't care." He told her. She wished that her father could care less about these things.

Jonah wrapped his arm around Y/N and she leaned into his chest. For the first time tonight she felt okay, and the moment was almost perfect, until the front door of the station burst open.

"Y/N! Y/N- what the-" The all too familiar voice called. Y/N pushed herself out of Jonah's arms and jumped up from her seat.

"Dad, I can-" Y/N didn't know what she was going to say. Would she start with why she was currently at the sheriff's station, or would she start with why she was all cuddled up with a boy he's never met? But Stiles interrupted her.

"W-Who the hell is this?" He pointed at Jonah, who was now also standing to his feet. Y/N averted her eyes from her father to the person who just walked in. It was Mr Hale- Jonah's dad.

"That would be my son." Mr Hale spoke. Stiles paused and lowered his finger that was pointed at Jonah. He didn't move.

"Am I- Am I dreaming-" Stiles looked up at the ceiling as if awaiting an answer from the heavens.

"Turn around Stilinski." Mr Hale said. Y/N took a step backwards and her back hit Jonah's chest; the two just stood there silently and watched their parents who seemed to have already known each other.

Stiles whirled his body around. His eyes widened at the sight of-

"Derek?!" His jaw dropped. Derek smirked.

"Wait, you know each other?" Y/N stared at them in confusion. Stiles completely ignored her question.

"No, no no no no no." Stiles said to her. "Absolutely not. Y/N why are you with Derek's son?"

Y/N opened her mouth to say something, but Stiles cut her off before she could. "You know what? Never mind, you can tell me when we get home. Let's go." He reached out to grab her arm, but she jerked away.

"Y/N. Let's. Go." Stiles said through gritted teeth. Y/N only shook her head in response. "Y/N. Come on." He repeated himself.

"Let it go Stiles, she doesn't wanna go with you." Derek sighed, giving an exaggerated eye roll.

Stiles quickly turned to face him, anger flashing in his eyes. "Alright don't you dare tell me to 'let it go', okay? She's my daughter, I won't let you tell me what to do with her!"

Derek didn't look phased at all. "Look at her; she doesn't want to go with you." He emphasized every word in his last sentence.

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