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I'm not alone

"stop" mark whined, pushing doyoungs hands away as doyoung ruffled his blonde curly hair.

"but i like it" doyoung said pouting "it's like ramen"

mark huffed and pushed away the giggling boy looking over to taeyong with pleading eyes.

"he's not wrong" taeyoung said, a grin forming on his face.

"hyung!" mark shouted at the man sitting on the couch opposite him and run at him, jumping on top of him, his fingers finding their way to his ribs and tickling him.

"that's what you get, you're my hyung, you're so supposed to protect me" mark said laughing at taeyong squirming underneath him trying to free himself.

"pizzas here" jaehyun called from their kitchen, and mark immediately got off taeyong, running to the sound of his voice.

"that boy never changes" taeyong grumbled, walking behind him with doyoung.

"hyung when are you going to get rid of that awful orange hair" ten said to doyoung, stuffing a pizza slice in his mouth.

"like you can talk grandpa" doyoung laughed, referencing his newly dyed grey hair.

"bitch you didn't" ten said, leaning over and taking one of doyoungs pizza slices.

"i think you both have lovely hair colours" jaehyun replied shaking his head, taking the slice out of tens hand and putting it back onto doyoungs plate, receiving a grin in return.

"can we go get ice cream later" mark said, his voice muffled by the pizza in his mouth.

"please swallow before you talk, that's disgusting, but yeah, i'd like some ice cream" taeyong said, smiling at the curly haired boy.

the other boys hummed in agreement as they continued to eat the rest of the pizza.

once they'd all finished eating, they made their way down to the convenience store opposite their new apartment complex and picked an ice cream each, before sitting on the bench outside still in their pyjamas, smiling and laughing with each other.

the end

the 7th sense ; nct u✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz