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We'll take it slow
Baby, baby we'll take it slow

quietly taeyong walked through the dense forest. his slow footsteps not making a sound.

he holds his breath when he hears it, the deep piano, the song just the repeating sound of 4 notes. he releases his breath and continues walking, trying hard to ignore the repetitive sound playing loudly, sounding almost as if its coming from right next to his ear.

finally, the end of the forest is in sight, he speeds up slightly, walking at a faster pace to reach the end of his nightmare. when he arrived at the end, his eyes landed on the oh so familiar sight of the hall. the big, and almost vintage look of the off white building making his chest feel tight. then the sound of the piano disappears, and he's surrounded by silence.

he closes his eyes, breathing in deeply, before continuing on his way, opening the heavy door, almost three times the size of him, and entering the bright corridor.

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