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And that's a long ass ride
Mindlessly going around until I close my eyes
I'm doubting this moment, between dreams and reality
I have something else to check,
Just like you right now

after what only felt like a few seconds to taeyong but in reality was actually two hours, he was shaken out of his own little world by the door opening fast and slamming against the wall, making him jump slightly and turning to look at the sound, where he saw mark looking directly into his eyes as he rushed around to him.

"sorry for the noise but hyung, i was talking to jaehyun hyung in class and he said he has the same dream! i didn't even tell him about mine but he described the exact same thing perfectly" mark rambled, talking incredibly fast.

taeyong looked up from mark's confused yet excited eyes and into jaehyuns, before looking at a confused ten sitting next to him.

before he knew it mark and jaehyun were sat on the floor in front of the tv looking at taeyong.

"why are you both looking at me like that?" he asked nervously.

"what does this mean? you know, right?" jaehyun asked his eyes still burning into taeyongs.

"how would i know?" he asked, looking at them both.

they looked at each other before looking back at taeyong, their eyes basically saying 'we just hoped you knew, because we don't'

"sorry what's happening" ten asked suddenly "what's this about dreams? i get weird dreams too.."

he said trailing off. all eyes were on him asking him to explain what he meant and exactly like jaehyun, without the boys telling him their dreams, he described perfectly the dream they all had too.

"guys this is weird" taeyong said "why is this happening? is it fate we'd all be roommates or something?" he said, laughing awkwardly, before his eyes widened.

"doyoung" was all he said before jaehyun scrambled over to his room, finding his phone and ringing their other roommate.

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