The King's Fury

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Seeing the Unseen Chapter Fourteen:

"The King's Fury"

Shaking off as much shock as I could, I brought my hand to the necklace and pulled out my knife, the blade a long dagger rather than the short, but powerful one it had once been. I wanted to help the pair of pure blood reapers rather than let them fight for me. There was absolutely no way I would have that.

Pouncing, I landed behind the Deçb'n'k', stabbing it in what I had assumed to be in between the shoulder blades. The blade sunk in easily and I twisted it roughly like a house key in the winter. It wailed in pain, flailing around and cutting Mason, the brunet's torso being practically shredded.

A sound that I could only describe as horrendous bellowed from the mouth of Jacob, his eyes turning into a vicious, cruel scarlet. His skin became translucent, the raven seeming more like the stereotypical grim reaper than ever.

The room became and ice box, the cool temperature rivaling that of the Arctic. Although Mason seemed relatively fine despite his injury, his eyes wide in fear as his king's presence swelled to an unimaginable magnitude.

The Deçb'n'k' enraged the demon king himself, something no one could tell the tale of.

Jacob began to attack with inhuman speed, his attacks going so fast that I couldn't quite comprehend them. My eyes were always about a few seconds behind, but the Deçb'n'k' was just barely able to see.

Black, acidic blood began to rain down and I was instantly covered by Mason's cloak, the green-eyed male watching his partner in awe as he shifted his weight, trying to keep himself from losing too much blood.

I felt comforted by Mason's presence along with the fact that Jacob was on my side rather than at my throat. I didn't know the extent of his powers, but if he could always turn into... this, I feared for all of Deçb'n'k'kind. The older reaper packed one hell of a punch and was bark and bite.

The sickening crack of bone filled the room and Mason's blood soaked my back as he pulled me closer, his face devoid of emotion while I felt like throwing up.

The sound of the bone belonging to the Deçb'n'k' was chilling, the timbre similar to the sound of a chicken bone breaking, but magnified a thousand fold. Black blood spurted like a geyser out of the gaping wound, the tissues struggling to repair themselves in time, but Jacob forbid it, eyes devoid of emotion as he ripped the arm completely off with his bare hands.

Skin tearing along with muscles and tendons snapping was definitely not my idea of something pleasant, but Mason seemed unphased. If anything, he seemed adoring.

Jacob's scythe was coated in blood as he watched the limbless being writhe like a snake, the male motioning Mason over.

"Yes?" Mason asked, the king's valued executioner once again by his side, though heavily wounded.

"Finish it."

Mason followed orders and beheaded the Deçb'n'k', his eyes glowing gray while doing so.

"Now we have to get the window replaced," Jacob grumbled as the Deçb'n'k' disappeared, laying his partner on the bed.

"I'm... fine..." Mason heaved.

"Debyll' (de-bih-yah), zeçuç (ze-zooss)," Jacob ordered, his skin slowly regaining its normal color.

"¡¿D-Debyll'?!" Mason asked, astonished. "Ç-Çeouku (se-oh-oo-koo)..."

Jacob glared, but stuck his hand in Mason's wound, causing him to scream bloody murder while his red-gold fluids gushed and ran out and coated his partner's arm.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed.

"Assessing the damage. It's fine, human."

"Jacob!" I yelled, louder this time.

"It's fine, Beatrice, I wouldn't hurt my partner! Reapers aren't corrupt like that!"

I quieted down and watched as Mason started getting calmer, staring up into his partner's eyes. The two maintained eye contact as Jacob continued. It was horrifying, but if Mason trusted it, I would to.

Please... just be okay.

"Koreço (koh-re-so)..." Jacob bowed his head.

"Don't apologize," I piped, my voice becoming a whisper soon after. "It's my fault that Mason got hurt, so please don't blame yourself..."

"You two." Mason grabbed our attention. "I got hurt because I got distracted. That's on me, but the one most at fault was killed by my monster of a partner." The brunet smiled cheekily.

Jacob retracted his hand and then sighed. "You'll heal just fine. You're still pretty new, so you haven't fully matured, I'm afraid. Once you're more experienced, you'll be able to heal as quickly as a damned Deçb'n'k'."

I silently cheered, watching Mason's beautiful blood evaporate as he scowled, staring up at the ceiling.

"Why does Beatrice have a mask?"

Mason's question broke through the brief silence, causing everyone to still. No one knew the answer, and that was the scary part. The fact that mine was... human also probably offset the two reapers. They had been taught that humans were bad, yet there I was, an abomination of their kind.

"Only full fledged reapers have masks," Jacob said, sighing. "Perhaps... Perhaps we should take her to talk to them and have them figure out directly."

Mason nodded. "I agree."


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