"Then who is the terient and traiter?" Iida asked wondering what the hell this villain was talking about.

"You should already know this for you are the tirent's loyal knight who would lay down his life for him...and you have already seen the ruins and bloodshed of the traitor. It is truly a pity that none of you remember a story from so many life times ago. But just remember once a traitor is stained with the blood of his former comrades it will never wash away and our dear hero is without a doubt a tyrant to be." The creature said his smirk growing by the second before recovery girls body fell forwards into Bakugo's arms. The large red slits for eyes disappeared and recovery girl was back to normal even the wounds on her cheeks were gone.

"...." The class was speechless just what the hell did they witness?

Hours passed and everyone had finished explaining what had happened. Recovery Girl announced that she had no idea what Leo had injected Tsukauchi with. It was a completely knew chemical format that she had never even heard about. All she knew was that it was eating away at his body like a parasite. Without any other options Aizawa, All Might, Nezu, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Iida were all sitting in the conference room.

"Bakugo I'm going to ask you and I hope you answer me honestly, do you know who that villain was?" All Might asked his voice calm and shaky. The three students didn't know that they were talking to all might. All they were told was that he had a quirk that could force the truth out of anyone. Bakugo sighed before running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah...but I thought it was all just another nightmare and that I somehow lost my ability to use my quirk..." Bakugo stated he felt completely embarrassed and wanted to go hide in his room.

"Can you tell us what happened exactly?" Aizawa asked still worrying over Tsukauchi's well being.

"It was during the internships. I was feeling like shit because I kept remembering that kid I used to know....and then I guess I fell asleep into some weird ass dream." Bakugo stated and Aizawa gestured for him to keep going.

"It was a bunch of weird shit and some memories about the kid then a castle and village thing. Castle ended up falling to pieces after I heard a bunch of laughter then cries followed by screaming. Once everything went dark that thing appeared but he just stayed in the shadows. There was a woman with him kind of looked like my mom but had some outdated european waring tribe shit on. They started going on about some debt I owed to a beast or something. After that finished and I woke up I couldn't use my quirk.....but during the boot camp something happened I don't know what I did but they said I repaid my debt and that I was allowed my quirk back and when I tested it out it was stronger than it's ever been before to the point that I actually injured myself from how strong the explosions were." Bakugo finished while looking down at his shoes. The heroes just nodded as they started to think of how this correlated with the current situation.

"That doesn't help us at all" All Might sighed while running his hands down his face.

"But it does seem like this villain has taken a liking to Bakugo. Since he visited Bakugo first but didn't injure him then returned his quirk in a far more powerful state...though we do need to be wary of what his intentions are and if he's associated with any groups." Aizawa said trying to find a solution to their problem.

"Where is he wanting you to go?" Nezu asked as he looked at the crumbling piece of paper before them. It looked like an old world map and you could barely read it. Yet it was the only clue to their location that the villain had left.

"You aren't seriously thinking of sending them Nezu?" All Might asked as he looked at Nezu as if he had lost his sanity.

"You know just as well as I do that if we don't help Tsukauchi there will be more at stake then just their lives....plus we owe him we weren't able to pay the debt back when she was alive so now we have to help her son." Nezu said tears starting to tug at the corners of his eyes. Silence filled the room. The three students were lost and the three heroes were grieving over Inko's death.

"We'll help him but why do we need to send them...do you know how much pain their parents have already been through because of shit like this?" Aizawa stated a heavy atmosphere starting to weigh on the room.

"What if something were to happen to them? If this has any connection to the families then they won't stand a chance." Aizawa stated making the others realize how deep they would be dragging these teens in.

"Why would the families even know what was going on? You know how well she hid her and her child from them hell we didn't even know until we started opening up the letters and actually met the kid." All Might stated trying to rationalize the situation.

"Do either of you remember the rumors about that family in particular?" Nezu asked as he had let out a gasp of realization and remembrance. It took the heroes a moment to remember and figure out what the hell Nezu was talking about before their faces went ghost-pale.

"There's no way they could of been true..." All Might said again trying to rationalize the situation.

"And there shouldn't of been any humanly possible way that that family could be as strong as they were, yet they broke that impossibility and achieved something that we'll never be able to." Nezu stated his eyes swirling with emotions.

"Then this is just another reason for us not to send these KIDS into a situation like this! If the family already knows about them then their just waiting to do something!" Aizawa stated while running his hands through his hair worriedly.

"But they haven't done anything yet. If they want whatever is hidden in that tomb or whatever and their asking MITSUKI'S son of all people to go and find it then they obviously can't get it themselves and that's something we can bargain with." Nezu stated thinking that UA and the heroes will then have the upper hand.

"Fine but myself and Aizawa will be going with them because there is no way in hell that I am sending them by themselves." All might stated while slamming his fist onto the table make his point very clear. Nezu calmly nodded and gestured for the two heroes to get the students ready.

"What the hell were you three talking about and what does it have to do with me?" Bakugo finally asked once they had left the room. He was lost and had no idea what the hell they were talking about.

"You already know we knew your mom and your aunt." Aizawa stated as he guided the students up to their rooms.

"...and there's a lot of shit that happened when we were all in highschool. I've made promises so I can't tell you three anything hell I shouldn't of even told you how we knew your aunt. I am sorry that I can't tell you what you need to know but you cannot trust anyone. The families that we were talking about have power and a lot of it so just be wary of everyone and everything around you." All Might stated surprising the three boys. Once they arrived at the top floor All Might and Aizawa turned toward the three.

"And remember, trust no one!" the two heroes said the last part in unison.


Hay I hope all of you enjoyed my word vomit. I know I took forever to post this but I was trying to figure out how the hell I want this story to go. (you guys have no idea how off track this is from the original Idea I had when I started writing this) Please comment and I hope you can continue to enjoy.

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