Chap 3: Is This a Hint of Love?

Start from the beginning

"Why would Snape say that? To you?" James wonders aloud. I shrug and look down. I couldn't look at them but also couldn't help it. Remus almost looks jealous; Sirius looks like he wants to rip Snape's head off, James just seems confused.

"I don't know. Do you like him back Kit?" Sirius asks me. I shrug again. I look up at Remus, he's burning with jealousy. I tilt my head as I look at him. Sirius and James look at Remus too.

"Do you-do you like me Remus?" I ask. Remus blushes lightly and turns away. I giggle a little and stand up.

"Why would you say that?" he asks making me giggle again. I smile at him.

"I'm off to bed. Night boys!" I say and skip to the girls stairs. I go upstairs to my room I share with Lily. I crawl into bed and fall sleep easily and quickly.

I'm walking around Hogsmead; I look down and realize I'm holding someone's hand. I follow the arm up to the shoulder, to the neck; suddenly I'm staring into the eyes of the one and only Severus Snape. He's giving me a look that girls could swoon over, with a perfect little smile that makes me want to swoon. He starts to lean in and kiss me. I quicken it up and stand on my toes. When our lips touch there's a spark, and I don't want to leave him. When he pulls away I smile at Severus. He smiles back, the look in his eyes telling me he cares more than I ever thought possible. An alarm goes off and we look around for the source, our smiles gone.

I wake up in my bed. Sighing, I turn off my alarm clock I brought from the muggle world. I sigh and sit straight up after realizing what I had just dreamed of. I kissed Severus Snape! And I liked it! I pause for a moment. But his smile is pretty nice. If that is his real smile. I hope so because it makes him look hot! I smile. Suddenly it's gone and my eyes go wide. Severus Snape is not hot! I have to clear my head! I stand up and get dressed. I look at my calendar and realize today is the day of the full moon. I mutter to myself, "At least it's a Friday." I sigh and walk downstairs.

When I get downstairs I see Lily on the floor and Remus and Sirius on the ends of the couch. I give Remus a small smile, he returns it. I plop onto the couch next to him and put a hand on his thigh. He smiles and pats mine and leaves it on mine. He obviously knows that tonight is the night. He sighs and I lean my head on his shoulder to try to comfort him. To let him know he isn't alone in the fight tonight and that I won't let him hurt anyone.

We sit here until James comes down. Lily leaves first before us. James comes down, he seems pretty tired. Wonder why he's so tired? I can't imagine why. I shrug and Remus, Sirius, and I stand up. The four of us go down to breakfast. After breakfast nothing eventful happens, just a boring day really.

After all classes are over we have a bit of time before dinner and we go upstairs to the Gryffindor common room. James sits on one end of the couch, Remus in the middle, and me next to Remus. Sirius is on the floor, and Lily is . . . somewhere. I heard Remus sigh beside me, I know he's worried about tonight. Someone always seems to get hurt somehow. When it's time for dinner we look at each other, Remus sighs again. We stand up and walk to the Great Hall. The only reason we go is so we can have as much strength as possible for tonight's events.

After dinner we head to the Shrieking Shack for the night. As the full moon becomes uncovered James turns into his stag, Sirius into his shaggy black dog, and me my auburn wolf. As the moon is finished being uncovered Remus is full-out werewolf. I growl at him as he goes towards a door. He looks at me and takes a swipe, scratching me in the face. James launches out and bites Remus's leg. He howls a little and starts to take a swipe at James but I bite his arm. Remus grabs me and throws me off. I land with a small crack and a loud howl. Sirius looks at me and then goes for Remus's arm. I think an arm and a couple of ribs are broken, so all I can do is sit here and watch.

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