"Isn't it?" your uncle agreed with a soft nod as you both watched from afar . "It's things like these that make me come back to interact with the common people. You get to see just how much they need you and you renew your sense of purpose."

"Am I doing a good job so far, uncle?" you blurted out of the blue, insecurity setting in. "I mean, I know I still have a lot to learn, but I want to make everything count."

"My dear," the emperor let off a loud laugh. "You think I've mastered my craft? In my old age I still surprise myself with new knowledge that can help me further in the caring of my people. But as for you, you're excelling at a fast rate--you're doing great."

"Really, uncle?" you gasped, ears ringing in disbelief. "Oh, that's wonderful to hear!"

"You've earned it, my dear. Even some of the other monarchs are praising you for your spirit and performance," the old man sighed proudly and cast his gaze once more to a group of people who were silently reading braille. Perhaps he'll inquire about the topics they were reading; they sure seemed like they wouldn't put it down for another hour.

"That seems nice..." you heard him mutter.

As for you, the buzz of excitement was hard yo kill, but you found yourself turning towards the direction of a middle aged couple, both blind but both as happy as the other one was. They were sitting side by side, the man taking the woman's hands into his own, a perfect little fist atop his lap.
The woman was giggling, bunned hair bouncing with glee and she delivered a playful thwack on her lover's shoulder after he awkwardly leaned down to whisper something in her ear. The man chuckled as well, slightly flinching from the sudden impact of her palm against his bicep. Looking closer, you noticed that the woman's eyes had cataracts while the other, though having relatively normal looking orbs, only gazed out into the distance, seemingly unable to focus on the beautiful face in front of him.
They exchanged more whispers, and then after many turns the pair broke out into hysterical laughter. The whole thing ended when the girl finally calmed down against the warm chest of her beloved, who took a chance and wrapped both arms around her tinier person.

The pride you felt was pulverized until you no longer felt a lingering trace of it inside you.

The scene replayed itself in your head minutes after everything else died down: the chortling, the noises, even the hushed whispers. However you couldn't find it in yourself to smile anymore. Without warning your chest constricted, and it occurred to you that you had to swallow a bitter, heavy lump back down your throat. Your lower lip quivered involuntarily and as an added factor to your bafflement, your vision blurred, and you were struck with the fear that you too, like all the other patients here, would become blind without explanation.

"(Y/N), dear?" Your uncle's soft voice startled you, and you jumped in your seat. Immediately you felt something wet fall down upon your hand.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" the emperor asked, slightly raising his voice so that you could hear amidst the sound of your repressed sobbing.

"I...I don't know," you answered, quickly shooting a hand up to hastily wipe away at the tears. "I...I think there's just dust on my eye, that's all."

"No, it has to be more than that."

"It's just a little drop, see?" you tried to assure the man, forcing a smile that pushed up your reddened cheeks.

"I-" Your uncle opened his mouth to comment when he caught sight of the couple at the corner of his eye.

Understanding then dawned on him and it hit like a brick. The emperor sighed sadly and with utmost cautiousness, he laid a feather of a hand atop your tense shoulder and regarded you with a poignant sadness in his old eyes that stabbed you in the heart.

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