Jungwoo nodded but he gave Donghyuck a quick, tight hug. "Thank you." He said with a small smile.

Donghyuck smiled and nodded. "No problem, Jungwoo, now let's go find something to do and maybe even find your mans." He playfully winked before chuckling and grabbing Jungwoo's wrist again so he wouldn't get lost. He walked through crowds and past some people grossly flirting to find something to do. He saw the back doors were open and some people cheering outside so he decided to go out there.

It was less crowded there, so Donghyuck let go of Jungwoo and shoved his hands into his leather jacket's pockets. He had a tiny smile on his face as he looked around, searching through the crowds of drunk teens.

Jungwoo stayed next to Donghyuck. He played with his fingers while looking around. He was just looking for Lucas, and after a few minutes, behold the mighty god who was leaning against the shed with a beer in one hand and his phone in the other. It seemed like he either put quite a bit of effort into his outfit or barely tried. Either way, he looked like a full course meal and Jungwoo was loving it.

However, Lucas happened to be with Taeyong and Mark. Taeyong's arm was wrapped around some girl's waist and he was a little too close, while Mark was chatting with the other puppets and seemed like he was having fun. Mark's threat still lingered in Jungwoo's mind, so he didn't go over to them. Jungwoo scanned over Lucas again before looking away and sighing.

"Donghyuck.." Jungwoo said with a pout, making Donghyuck look over at him. "Why does the hot guy who possibly likes me have to have terrible friends?"

Donghyuck just smiled and chuckled. "It's ok, if he truly likes you then his friends wont affect him." He said, patting Jungwoo's shoulder.

The older male sighed and nodded. "I hope so.. I wouldn't mind having a secret relationship if it was with Lucas and it meant neither of us would get hurt." He said, frowning a little.

Donghyuck chuckled a little, but out of the corner of his eye he could see a certain guy making his way over. He looked back to Jungwoo with an evil smirk. "Incoming~ I'll see you later, text me if you need me." He said before waving a little and walking off.

Jungwoo's eyes widened a little as he was surprised that Donghyuck had suddenly left him. "Do-Donghyuck-"

"Hey, cutie." Lucas's voice interrupted Jungwoo and an arm wrapped around the smaller males waist, making his cheeks heat up. "I'm glad you came. I was actually starting to think you wouldn't show up."

Jungwoo understood why Donghyuck left him now. Jungwoo looked over at Lucas and quietly gulped when seeing how close he was. "Yeah.. Donghyuck was taking forever to get ready and we had to get a bus that ended up being super late." He said, trying to fake being confident.

"Ah.." Lucas said, his lips staying parted for a couple of seconds before he smiled again. 

"S-So what's happened so far?" Jungwoo asked, practically getting lost in the younger males gorgeous eyes. It was such a nice feature of his.

"Hmm.. Not much." Lucas shrugged. "But the girl Taeyong is with tried to also get Mark but then Mark disappeared for a while when he was 'getting a drink' and Taeyong snatched her up. Other than that, Ten almost puked after drinking only 4 beers which is odd for him, but he's fine."

Jungwoo nodded a little. "Ten? He's the.. He's the shorter one with that silver kind of hair who always gets in trouble for it? Quiet?"

"Yeah, him." Lucas chuckled. "But he's not so quiet when you get to know him. Or when he's drunk.."

Jungwoo nodded again. He glanced behind Lucas, but he froze when seeing Mark's almost painful glare on him. He gulped and slowly stepped back away from Lucas, not wanting Mark to see them.

Lucas caught on. He glanced over to see Mark there and staring back, so he sighed but stood in between Jungwoo and Mark's gaze so the older male paid attention to him. "He's bothering you, isn't he?" He sighed.

Jungwoo nodded and looked down at his feet.

The latter nodded. "It's ok, come with me." He said with a flattering smile.

Lucas gently took hold of Jungwoo's hand but waited a few seconds before he walked off to make sure the older was ok. The only thing that happened was the redness of his cheeks intensifying. Lucas smiled more and intertwined their fingers before he walked back into the house, leading Jungwoo along. He walked through the crowds until he reached the stairs and he went up them, through another hallway that was full of family pictures, and to a closed door. He reached for the handle, slowly turning it then pushing it open to reveal his room. Jungwoo's mind started wondering.

"We can stay in here for as long as you want. And, if we leave but you want to come back, that's ok. Even when it's without me. I understand how, uh, frightening this place can be.." Lucas said. He turned back to Jungwoo and smiled at him before entering the room but dropping the others hand.

Jungwoo walked in as well, Lucas closing the door behind him to block the loud music, and he walked over to Lucas's bed. He slowly sat down but looked around some more. It was oddly neat. He didn't have much decoration other than some pictures on a small pinboard, it was on a drawer and leaning against the wall. Most of them were of Lucas and his friends, but surprisingly there were just some nice photos of objects or surroundings. Maybe Lucas was into that.

Jungwoo's thoughts were interrupted as Lucas sat down next to him, gaining his attention.

"You look really cute, by the way." Lucas said.

Jungwoo smiled shyly and looked down at his lap, letting out a slight giggle. He hated his giggle sometimes, so he covered his mouth until he stopped. "Thank you." He said softly, looking up at Lucas again. "You look.. Really handsome. It's kind of shocking how someone can be so attractive."

Lucas's smile grew and he sat up a little straighter. The top of his ears turned pink but he ignored it. "Thanks, Jungwoo~" He said, slightly shifting closer without being too obvious. "Ya know.. I always thought you were so cute, and I'm so glad I actually started chatting to you." He chuckled, but his eyes wandered down for a moment before quickly going back up to Jungwoo's eyes.

Jungwoo's blush couldn't get any darker, but his heart beat somehow got faster and he swore Lucas could hear it. Especially since he seemed to be closer. "I'm so glad you did, too." He said softly with a smile. "I always.. I always thought you hated gays though." He said, biting down on his bottom lip.

"Hated? No.. Not at all." Lucas said, glancing away for a second. He was quiet for a second as he looked at the other male's lap, but his hand slid onto his thigh and started rubbing. It was so soft yet also not. "How could I hate someone like you? You're so..attractive." He looked up again at Jungwoo.

Jungwoo's breath hitched. His mind was all over the place. "I'm attractive?" He mumbled shyly.

"Yes.. So attractive." Lucas somehow quietened but also deepened his voice. He leaned in closer to Jungwoo, closer and closer until their breath was mangled together. His eyes slowly closed before he also closed the gap between them, their lips pressing against each other in a soft way.

Jungwoo closed his eyes as his hand reached up to Lucas's chest, gently gripping onto his shirt as his heart sped up and he only got more shy.

What happened next was all a big blur.

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