Johnlock Week/ Week 3 & the last part of week 2 part 1

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It has been a while since we saw any action from the Johnlock cabin... let's have a quick review on what they have been up to: 

Last time on Fandom Camp w/ Johnlock... 

I looked at the list Patton Morality, Venkat Price, Paul Blade, Geoff Welch, Logan Logic, Danny Wheeler, Johnny Boy Hecking, Parker Rooney and Remus Celtena. It wasn't in any order but the order they signed up in and the order that they where picked for Cabins. I knew that a few of the kids had siblings in the other cabins but that was all. The first one to show up was Paul Blade, then the others. We double checked to make sure that they were all the right kids. The oldest Kid in our group was Remus Celtena age 15. The youngest was Parker Rooney age 11.

The kids nodded and smiled. John looked at the schedule and told the boys," You have about two hours until Dinner. At Dinner tonight we will be going over the rules and presergurs at Camp. See you then. Rember if you have to go some ware before then or at night take you bunk buddy with you."

The kids nodded as we left. I smiled sightly as I admired John's way with the boys. 


John's pov.

It had been three weeks already and Sherlock and I have been getting to know one another. Well, actually it was more of me getting to know him somehow he had guessed almost everything about me. From that fact that I was trying to be an army medic to my sister's drinking habits to my hidden liking of the Lord of the rings books. One he had said that I was much like young Bilbo Baggins in the Hobbit book. And I said had told him he was like Smaug and we had a laugh about that. Anyways I was sitting with Lestrade, Sam and Gabriel talking about our Cabins and the activities while Sherlock was talking with Merlin, Arthur, and Castiel.

"So John where are ya from?" Gabriel asked. I had this unreasonable suspicion he knew but answered anyway," well that depends on what you mean. I was born in  Australia than my family returned to England after My grandmother fell ill. Once there it wasn't until two years ago that I signed up to travel here to the states to study for my medic career I want to persuade. What about you Gabriel?"

Gabriel smiled lightly then said," Around... honestly you most likely wouldn't believe me if told the truth. No has except a select few..." 

"No need to be cryptic, Gabe... that's my job!" I heard Tenebris say as she sat down near me with X. 

Gabriel shook his head and said," Good morning to you to Tenebris aren't you sposto be over at the  Mess hall?" 

She looked at the clock which read 8'O Clock. Then she chuckled as did X. Who was the one answered," So should all of you. Dean included now that's he's down and dressed. I'll see You two and the Homes boys in the mess hall." 

And they both left. I shook my head and said," I suppose we should get going then?"

Me, Lestrade, Mycroft, Sherlock, Sam and Gabriel all left and head towards the mess hall. By the time we got there it was 8:30. Me and Sherlock head towards our table and sat down. Sherlock looked at me then asked," So... what were you and Lestrade talking about with Sam and Gabriel?"

"Nothing much just where we're from. Didn't learn much but they sure did. What about you?" I replied. He smiled then said," We were talking about soulmates if you must know."

I froze up as I remembered what Tenebris had said last night at campfire about the next week. 


"Now starting tomorrow we will start our romantic love section here at camp. Starting with soulmates and that will last at lest two weeks. Now I know some of you are groning at that idea and others are happy about it but it's something that you all must know. See you all tomorrow!" Tenebris said as she ended tonight's activities. She gave each of the counsellors a booklet then sent us off. I instinctively rubbed my shoulder where a mark in the shape of a smiley face was. 

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