Chapter 18 🔥 Tragic Memory

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Dedicated to SuzanAbimbola. Hi dear. Here's my little token of thanks for your votes and support. Thank you so much.

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Demonic Realm-50years ago


Agnus sucked in a deep breath after exiting a swirling limbo. He still hadn't overcomed the fact that he just witnessed how his mother killed his father. Regardless his mistakes and that he had it coming after being impossibly cruel to his mother, Agnus still believed that the man should've been punished other than death. It was permanent. He would've liked to know him or grow up having one parent behind.

"H-help me please," Cassia's pleading interrupted his self musings.

Agnus shook his head to clear his disoriented mind. Squinting his eyes to focus, he looked down curiously.

What he saw next made his blood ran cold. It was the same demon leader that took Rufus before and they were in the same dangerous place of the demonic realm.

Was it the reason why he had it in his subconscious? he asked himself silently.

"And why would I do that?" A demon menacingly asked, readying himself to pounce on his new prey.

"You can have me. Just p-please spare my baby," Cassia begged.

Shaking uncontrollably, she staggered to take a small step back, one at a time. She was protectively covering her huge belly with her hands like it was gonna help if ever the hungry demon would attack her. The sorceress was bleeding profusely, her knee length white summer dress and whole body were matted with blood. Tears and snot decorating her terrified face.

Agnus was panicking and tried to reach out to her but failed miserably. He wasn't even there physically. Even if he knew that it was just a memory of the past, and yet, he couldn't stop himself from cursing at the situation. The agony he felt was too real and too painful to handle. Heck, for all it's worth, he wanted to intervene so badly that he cried a silent shout out of frustration.

"Smell that?" The demon taunted, taking a long sniff in the air. "That's the smell of a precious delicacy." He pointed to her protruding stomach while he was licking his lips.

"N-no, no, no. Please, not my baby. Eat me. I'm delicious. I taste better than anyone else and my life source is very powerful. You can have everything. Everything, just spare my child. I beg you." Cassia spoke in haste. She was coaxing him. She was desperate and would do anything for her unborn child.

The demon smirked at her evilly, unconvinced. Honestly, even Cassia herself knew that there was nothing she could say or do to convince the demon otherwise. She was just clinging on a impossible hope.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. How is it gonna be? I will give you two choices, you will give birth to my food and I walk away with it or I will rip it out of you and still walk away with it."

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