Chapter 19 🔥The Balancer Stage

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Phoenicia-Present Time

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Phoenicia-Present Time...

Venus gave the Elder in front of her a once over. Up until that moment, she still couldn't wrap up her mind around how arrogant Angelicums really are. They're superior beings but they always rub it in everyone's noses without fail like it was some kind of protocol that needed to be strictly followed. Seeing everybody else cowering made her all the more hostile towards their guest. However, before she could muster a sarcastic comeback, another round of frenzied spots erupted. Out of her peripheral view, Vee saw Agnus moved to the inner circle.

"Where is the perfect vessel?" Selaphiel asked uncaringly.

Venus glared at him once again, "do you mind?"

Despite her annoyance, her attention was soon diverted back to the people in the circle. Her expression changed to a sad one when the spots movement stopped at Cassia and Queen Sylvanna.

"Tsk," Selaphiel cluck his tongue in disapproval and turned to face Pearl. "I see you're living amongst them quite well. What is it about sacrificing Scalia?" He asked her in scrutiny.

Pearl paled. She looked like a mouse cornered by a cat. Gulping she explained, "Scalia has the nuetrulizer within her. If the perfect vessel fails, her life source will extinguish the white fire."

"Such fallacy!" His face was red with anger. Uncontrolled aura erupted out of him which sent everyone to the their knees. Again, Venus excluded.

This time, Selaphiel eyed Vee warily. He knew the force he just omitted and yet the frail looking young Angelicum was able to withstand it. He was baffled, yet, curious at the same time.

"What? What!" Vee raised an eyebrow at him after noticing him giving her a questioning look. "Are you gonna lecture me about respect again? I'm not bowing down, period." She ranted, stubbornly crossing her arms across her chest.

Selaphiel chuckled. "Interesting, interesting," he mused to himself while running his hand over the dark stubbles on his cheeks.

"Bipolar much?" Vee half-heartedly asked, her eyes averted back again to the circle. Judging from her creasing brows, it was clear as day that she was concentrating on finding ways to break it.

"Nothing can stop that process," Selaphiel told her as of reading her mind. "But there's a way you can help them," he added.

Vee's head snapped towards his direction in an instant the same way as everyone else present in that room.

Selaphiel once again chuckled after noticing their undivided attention and eagerness to know.

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