Now Open to Requests!

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I am open to requests on Wattpad! I was hesitant to be open to requests on here since a bunch of people were requesting back on Asianfanfics. But I have some specific things I have to ask you before you begin to write in the comments.

Comments I do not accept for requests:




Comments I will accept for requests should have all, if not, most of these things.

1) Ship you would like me to do - not restricted to just two people, get creative~

2) Setting - place and time, preferably places where Gfriend has either preformed or been such as backstage of Inkigayo or something as simple as their bedroom in the dorm

3) Scenario - how they got there, how they ended up in this position, any kinks? Add that in too to add something like a role play game for the whole one-shot

4) Top/Bottom - who will be topping and who will be dominated? If you don't want any sub or dom, you can specify it in the request

5) BE CREATIVE WITH THIS - this is YOUR request! I'll just be the one to bring it to life so do whatever you want with this!

I am giving you guys the power for this BUT REMEMBER, with great power comes great responsibility so PLEASE be considerate of this poor author-nim!

If you see that a lot of people have commented, wait a few days or something so that I'll have time to figure out a type of plan to see which ones I can do first.

If I don't get to your request AT ALL, write it again so I can see it! I really want all of you to participate!!

Thanks for all the support!! I love you!!


                    -Author-nim ^ - ^

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