5 Months Later: Part Two

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My heart was pounding was hard I was afraid someone might hear it.

I stood in the middle of the ocean of dancing guests, my brown eyes staring at him from across the cold, spacious room.

Lucas' black hair was smoothed back like a formal gentleman, his black bangs combed away from his forehead, making his handsome face stand out more. He was clad in a crease-free white polo shirt, a yellow-collared, royal blue blazer, and black slacks tucked into brown boots.

He was dressed as Prince Adam from Beauty in the Beast.

I didn't have more time to react, because the 19-year-old male was heading towards me.

My heartbeat was going bonkers inside my chest. I wasn't sure what to say or what to do, but when he finally stood in front of me and flashed me that disarming smile of his, I blushed.

"Happy Birthday, Sophia," he greeted, doing a small bow, a hand on his chest.

"Thank you," I said in a tone I hoped sounded normal.

Lucas continued to smile at me. "You look beautiful."

I waited for something. The tall male seemed to read my expression,because he asked: "What?"

"I thought you'd finish with 'today'. 'You look beautiful.. today.' Because I'm only wearing this ballgown for one afternoon," I awkwardly explained, making hand gestures at my costume.

A soft chuckle vibrated in his chest. His brown eyes locked on mine. "You're beautiful everyday, Sophia."

I waved a dismissive, yellow-gloved hand at him. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Lucas."

"That's okay. I have my charm,sense of humor, and cute personality to back me up."

I giggled into the back of my fist as I peered up at his glowing face. "You seem happy."

"I feel happy," he admitted, staring into my eyes. "And I'm about to feel happier."

My brows furrowed in perplexity. "What..."

A new song began to fill the chilly air.

Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining

Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful, and I tell her everyday...

Lucas gasped, pretending to be surprised, his hand flying to his mouth as his eyes widened. "What are the chances?" he blurted out.

I gained my wits as fast as I could, assembling my cluttered thoughts. "Don't push it," I warned him, arranging my features into a tight scowl but failing miserably. I ended up laughing with him.

Lucas offered his hand to me, and I regally put my right palm onto his left palm, placing my other hand on his right arm, then we started to slow dance.

A flash of surprise registered on his face when I intertwined our fingers together. It just felt right, being in his arms, being this close to him, enveloped in his scent and his warmth.

"Hey, Lucas," I called him while we swayed to the dreamy music.

The black-haired prince gazed at me. "Yeah?" he seemed a bit distracted.

"Do you love your father?" I asked.

Lucas didn't expect that random question to tumble from my mouth. "I do," he answered.

I nodded my head. "That's all I wanted to hear."

"Why did you ask about him?" he inquired.

"No reason." I summoned a cryptic smile onto my pink lips.

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