Chapter 32: The Author

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At 8:30 that Saturday morning, I was surprisingly well-rested, having slept only eight hours.

My reliable twin Stacy demanded she give me a makeover for the day's special event.

I sat down in front of her bedroom mirror and hummed contentedly as she drew my hair up in a half-up, half-down hairstyle and expertly braided some sections.

A sigh blew out from my twin's full lips as she touched my long brown hair. "I really love your natural waves, Sop."

I quirked a brow at her morose reflection. "Uh, Ace? Your blonde hair is naturally wavy, too."

"I know that," she said in a Duh tone. "But yours looks like a chocolate waterfall. So yummy."

"Don't even think about tasting some strands again," I said, warning seeping into my voice.

She grunted and continued to fuss over my brown locks. "It always smells like cocoa!"

"And you use apple-scented shampoo but you don't see me biting some of your tresses."

Stacy giggled and studied my face in the large mirror. "Nervous?"

"Of course not," I told her, faking a buoyant smile in the glass.

"Of course you are." She rolled her sky blue eyes."It's okay to be nervous. This is something new and different for you."

She carefully slipped a few bobby pins between the two braids to fasten them together in the back. Then she pulled down some curls to frame my face and swept my bangs off my brown eyes.

"There." She beamed with the satisfaction of her work. "Now for the next step."

"M-makeup?" I asked her uncomfortably. "Do I really need it?"

"Of course. It's just light powder and lip gloss anyway. You need to doll up, Sop. For your fans."

A light dusting of powder on my nose came next, and then she filled my lips with a rosy tint.

Stacy clipped a white, lacy satin ribbon on my hair, to symbolize the main heroine, Clementine Brown, from my first book, "Scarlet Thread." She constantly wore the shiny white ribbon. It was her signature look.

I stood in front of a full-length mirror and examined myself. I felt quite good about my outfit, which my twin chose for me: Plain white shirt, blue denim short shorts, brown and white rubber shoes, and as I always wear it, my silver, half-heart necklace, enhancing my look.

"Perfection," I heard Stacy murmur behind me.

Whirling around, I parted my lips to thank her but she wasn't complimenting me--she was talking to herself while she preened her reflection in her vanity mirror.

I shook my head in amusement, but as always, Stacy did look incredible in her clothes.

She wore her blonde hair down and in her pink headband, and she was dressed in a pink v-neck blouse with fluttery sleeves, a gray mini-skirt, black loafers, and her half-heart necklace.

"Ace, why are you wearing loafers instead of your standard heels?" I ventured my twin.

Her mouth curved into a sneaky smile. "In case any trouble arises, it won't be hard to fight back."


"What?" She pasted an innocent grin on her face. "I'm just looking out for your safety."

"There will be a bodyguard for that."

Stacy waved a dismissive hand at me. "Oh, please. I'll protect you, Sop. I swear it."

"Well..I'm sure nothing will go wrong," I muttered under my breath as I reached for my oval rimless glasses on the vanity table.

My blonde sister eyed me doubtfully. "You're going to wear your spectacles?"

I was already tucking the stems behind my ears, and soon, the world became clearer.

"Yeah, I am. Why?"

"They're only for reading purposes, Sop. You're simply going to sign books today."

I spun around and criticized my reflection in the mirror one more time. I kind of resembled a nerdy girl. But a cute one.

"I'm wearing them," I declared resolutely, meeting Stacy's eyes in the glass.

She nodded at me and hooked her arm around mine. "Let's go, then!"

The Book Signing would take place at SM City Manila, which was a thirty-minute ride from our home here in Quezon City. Elizabeth Lin, or "Liz", my agent, had rented a posh black van for us to travel in that morning. Liz was already at the venue, waiting for me.

We arrived at SM Manila at exactly 9:35, and I gaped at my white-clothed table, which was in the middle of the Activity Center located on the first floor of the mall. I swallowed my apprehension at the large signage that announced:




JUNE 25, 2016 10AM-9M


I was literally shocked when I saw the number of people lining up with books in their hands.

There were hundreds of book-lovers giddily waiting in one endless line, their smiles gleeful.

I felt someone nudge my arm with hers. "Go on, Sop. They're waiting."

"Waiting for what?" I asked Stacy.

She gave me a proud smile. "For you!" She started nudging me forward, and I gulped.

From across the room, I could see Liz, my agent, whispering frantically to my bodyguard.

The tall, muscular man jerked his head in my direction, and when Liz spotted me, she smiled.

I forced my sneaker-clad feet to walk towards the table, and as I brushed past the long line of bookworms, I could feel them staring at me, staring at the white satin ribbon on my hair.

"Is that S. Green? Oh My God! It's S. Green!" a girl in a jade dress shouted.

"I knew it! S. Green is a girl!"

"But she's so young.. and hot."

My whole face turned crimson as I finally sat behind my table and picked up the black pen.

My publishing agent, Liz, now 25 and with short mahogany hair and in a formal suit, spoke into her headset as she addressed the line of fans with their books in their arms:

"Good day, book lovers from near and far. For three years, S. Green's true identity has remained a secret, but now she is here and eager to sign all your copies of her works, and take pictures."

Liz gave me my cue, then she stood next to a cameraman. Fudge. I forgot this was live.

To my right stood my bodyguard while protectively standing behind my chair was Stacy.

An uproar ensued as the line of people began to move slowly. I braced myself for a long day.

I happily signed my fans' books, rising from my seat when they asked for a photo with me, and I modestly thanked them after they positively commented on my novels. This went on for hours.



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