Chapter 2: Two Non-Royal Princesses

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June 4, 2016.

Our 18th birthday.

I was calmly sitting in front of the vanity mirror while my dear twin paced around our luxurious hotel suite, looking like she planned to run a hole around the red velvet carpet.

"Sop, do you mind? Your constant fussing is giving me a headache," I complained.

Her scowl conveyed sheer annoyance. But like yours truly, she was rocking her debutante ensemble.

I secretly studied her appearance through her reflection in the wide vanity mirror.

Sophia's long brown hair cascaded over her bare shoulders and streamed down her back in stick-straight silken columns. It was my suggestion a.k.a. demand that she use a hair straightener for the special evening. And since it was a superbly special occasion, her objections were futile when I elected the green dress she was wearing right now.

Her slim figure--despite her blissful ignorance of her good looks--was wrapped in a lime green asymmetrical gown, with the lone strap embellished with mint green roses. Its mint green skirt stretched to the floor in a pool of soft chiffon, its lime green tulle draped from the waist down, with one side of the waistline decorated with three mint roses. Her arms were bare, but her fair collarbone was lined by one-half of a necklace, which my own one-half completed. Her feet were encased by one-inch golden brown heels while I wore glittery gray stilettos.

Tearing my blue eyes away from my hassled sibling, I craned to face my reflection again.

On my head was a silver diadem, the same theme as the golden crown on Sophia's head.

My sunshine golden hair was combed to perfection, coiffed into a semi up-do, with half of it bunched into a fancy bun while the rest of it flowed down my back. Dangling around my neck was a silver necklace with a half-heart pendant, jagged like a broken heart.

Sophia's half said:



My half said:



Whenever we piece the heart together, it says: Twins Sisters Forever

It's so cheesy and sappy, I know, but it's just the same with sweet and sentimental.


Neither of us ever takes it off, except in the shower. And tonight was no different.

Besides, silver goes with everything. Including my original outfit for the party downstairs.

I wore a strapless, hot pink formal gown with a sweetheart neckline and empire waist. The soft pink fabric hugged my upper figure and flared from the waist down. I smiled to myself, admiring the cozy clasp of a swirly sequined belt wrapped around the space beneath my bust. I absolutely adored how the long skirt was created out of thin layers of tulle, easily blown by mild gusts of wind, swaying in various routes as I walked, twirled, and when I dance later.

"I'm nervous, alright?" My sister snapped, instinctively touching the bridge of her nose, but she forgot she wasn't wearing her glasses tonight. She didn't really need them. They were only for reading purposes.

A frown stretched her pink lips.

"Never would have guessed," I replied in a sardonic tone. She hastily caught note of my sarcasm and threw me a ghost of a smile.

"There you go," I told her while getting up from my wooden stool. "Smile, Sop. Our guests are awaiting our presence downstairs."

The reminder made her tiny smile melt into a worried frown. Oh, Good Grief.

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