Chapter 71: Official

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Everything has to be perfect because Stacy deserved nothing less than perfection.

Sunday Night. December 4, 2016. 7:43pm.

Whenever my twin and I confided in each other about our fantasy dates, we never leave a single detail out. I knew everything she wanted, and vice versa. 

There were moments Stacy liked to keep things simple and elegant--but other times, her idea of romance mirrored her concept of fun: Daring and Extreme.

Whenever she wanted to break up with a boyfriend or she discovered their infidelity, my sister would always, always torture them in the worst way--like taking them bungee jumping if they were afraid of heights--or perhaps blackmailing them with disturbing pictures they had sent her in the past. Yep. If you're going to do something wrong? Do it right.

"Do you think she's stuck in traffic?" Lucas asked me, his face etched with anxiousness.

I studied his appearance in the most surreptitious manner: He had his black hair gelled back, and he wore a pink long-sleeved polo and black pants with brown shoes.

How was it possible to love and hate someone so much?

"She'll be here, Lucas," I assured him.

He began to pace the floor of the restaurant, and I tugged at my red Elmo shirt which I teamed with plain blue jeans and rubber shoes.

I was a simple spectator. No need to doll up or anything.

For tonight, Lucas specially rented a humble restaurant where he and Stacy will meet.

They weren't going to have dinner. I know my sibling didn't want that kind of hassle.

Behind my oval glasses, my brown eyes swept over the four beige walls of the place.

No tables. No petals. No candles. No fireworks. Because according to my twin, the more effort the guy put into his 'special date', the higher the expectation that she'll say yes.

Although despite the absence of romantic decorations, the ceiling was cluttered with glow-in the-dark strawberry balloons. Actual red balloons with white dots and a green leaf on top.

A sea of these balloons were scattered up high and down low, all over the floor.

I looked at my watch again: 7:49pm.

Stacy was scheduled to be here in eleven minutes but I know she'll be fashionably late.

It was difficult to figure out which one of us was more nervous: Me or Lucas?

When Stacy says 'yes', all Lucas' troubles were over.

And.. they'll finally get the happily ever after they deserved.

I don't know what it will mean for me, but I won't hinder anyone.

Time check: 7:52pm.

Breathe, Sophia. Breathe.

I rested my back on the pillar which I was going to hide behind later.


I yelped in surprise. "Lucas! You startled me."

He made a peace sign when I glared at him. "Sorry. Sorry."

"What is it? Did one of the balloons pop?"

"No, I was just wondering if I should have bought a bouquet." He fiddled with his single flower.

I examined the long-stemmed stargazer in his hand. "Stacy will prefer the one, okay?"

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