Chapter 66: Love Hurts

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November has ended and December has arrived.

Two more weeks as college freshmen! Time has indeed soared by.

Final exams were officially over as of yesterday and I have a meticulous itinerary for today which is Saturday morning.

At four am, I woke up, then did the following:

I brushed my teeth, took a fast shower, changed into a green sleeveless top, long white skirt, and brown slippers. I wore my oval, rimless glasses and I let my wavy brown hair fall to my waist.

Then, I packed five sandwiches---ham and cheese, ham and egg, hotdog, bacon,and peanut butter and jelly--into a picnic basket. I also packed three bottles of water, a boxed lunch, a few bags of chips and cookies, and a small bottle of medicine, just in case I get tired or start to cough.

Okay, what else? I looked at my checklist again. Phone? Digital Camera? Check. Check. Tablet? Check. Pen and papers? Check. Binoculars? Check. Shades and Cap? Check, Check. Glass jar in case I want to collect shells or come across anything fascinating? Check.

I wonder if I was forgetting something?

Oh! Right.

I marched up to our bedroom and planted a soft kiss on my slumbering twin's forehead. She smiled in her sleep, then frowned a little, her eyes still closed, when I posted a memo on her forehead which said: At the beach until dinner. Love, Sop.

When I returned to the kitchen, I saw Mama May holding a frying pan and a spatula.

"Good morning, ma," I told her, pecking her cheek.

"Hmm. Yes, dear. Are you sure you can carry all those items?"

I looked over my shoulder at the picnic basket and dark green backpack on the counter.

"Of course I can, ma!" But even I could hear the hesitation in my voice.

Her dark eyes were dubious, but she instead told me: "How long will you be gone?"

I coughed into the back of my fist. "After sunset. I want to see it up close."

"Maybe you should take Stacy with you." She scrutinized my pale face. "You seem ill."

"I feel fine," I said.

"And the temperature's dropping, too, since it's now December," remarked my mother, who blatantly eyed me from head to foot. My arms were bare and my full white skirt was thin.

"It's not THAT chilly," I told her. "I'll be okay. Trust me, ma."

The sun would also be rising soon. I needed to leave before the clock struck five.

I planned to spend the whole day at the White Sand Beach which wasn't too far from here.

My third work finally has a title--I decided to call it "My Name Is Siren." And for me to fully make the story more authentic, I chose to experience the actual beach and ocean. The feel of the sand on my skin. The cold breeze swirling around me. The kiss of the sun and the brittle shells in my palms. I needed to witness firsthand both the sunrise and sunset. And--nobody knew this--but I intended to take a long swim in the ocean and explore the coves and tunnels of the beach.

Plus it was a good excuse to loiter around the beach. It is a cold Saturday in December. No one in their right mind would dare to think of even going outside and plunge into the cold waters.

Maybe I haven't thought this thoroughly enough.

Bah. I can't chicken out now.

"Sophia.. is something troubling you, my dear?"

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