Chapter 95: On The Way

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Never in my eighteen years of existence did I picture myself in a situation like this.

Both my wrists and ankles handcuffed to a large bed in a roomful of sick perverts.

I was still clad in my red, sleeveless ballroom dress, but judging from the turn of events, I wasn't going to be in any form of clothes in the next few minutes.

Relax, Stacy. Relax. You're going to be fine.. I hope.

"Someone get the scissors," ordered Walter.

What did he say? Scissors?

My chest rising and falling, I squinted at the sight of Clark pulling open a drawer, lifting a sharp pair of scissors--the blade gleaming when it hit the light--then handed it to Walter.

"STOP!" I shouted as Walter began to approach my bed, carrying the pair of scissors.

The fucker smiled menacingly. "What, babe?"

"First of all, stop calling me babe. It's revolting. Second, aren't you afraid you'll be arrested for this? In case you've forgotten, THIS IS A CRIME," I yelled as loud as I could.

Walter looked over his shoulder to exchange looks with his three male accomplices.

"You know, maybe she has a point," said Walter, lowering the scissors. "This is wrong."

I exhaled a collective sigh of relief.

"But it feels so right," he quickly said while skimming a finger along the blade.

I swallowed hard. Damn it, there was no reasoning with these morons. I was screwed.

"You see, babe.Me and these guys? We've been wanting to do this for months."

My whole system became paralyzed as Walter sat beside me on the bed, causing one side of the mattress to dip low.

"And thanks to her, we were able to find the opportunity we've been looking for," he went on.


Who was he talking a--fuck.


It's always been Heather. She would stoop this low just to spite me. To ruin me.

A chill slithered down my spine when Walter played with the yellow bangs on my forehead.

"You've gotten prettier since we broke up, babe." He roughly cupped my cheeks. "Really pretty."

"Let. go," I snarled, but he only tightened his hands over my face. His hold was starting to hurt me.

Walter's smile was malignant. "I bet you've gotten sexier, too.Let's find out, shall we?"

In one swift motion, he grabbed a fistful of my red dress and ripped it off of my body.



"NO!" I clutched my chest, feeling my heartbeat gallop like a horse.

The four of us were still speeding down the empty highway of Quezon City.

Behind the wheel of his white Mustang,Lucas cast me a worried glance. "What's wrong, Sophia?"

"Everything," I gasped as I tried to catch my breath. I leaned against the passenger's backrest.

Bryce urgently tugged at the sleeve of my white hoodie--I had changed into it, along with a pair of pants after we left the hospital.

My brown eyes met his blue ones. "If Stacy was.." he hesitated. "..raped before.. why doesn't she remember anything?" he asked from the backseat.

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