Chapter 16

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It was a fight with consciousness. My wandered in and out and I was vaguely aware of my surroundings. There were times when I heard people around me, talking to me, talking about me, begging me to wake up. Eventually it was quiet sobbing woke me up and my eyes fluttered open, blinking in the light that was blinding and burning. Once again I was in a pristine white room only this time I had a needle in both arms. One needle was attached to an IV and the other was attached to a crimson red blood bag. My stomach heaved at the sight of the blood and churned at the idea that that it was sustaining my life.

“Hey,” came a gentle voice with a sniff. I lifted my head to see Lily sitting by my side, a soft smile on her face, her cheeks red and her eyes puffy from crying. I would have been happy to see her if it wasn't for her tear stained face and trembling lip. She was in this current state because of me. A grip tightened around my heart.

“Hey,” I said. A single tear streaked my cheek.

“No, no, don't cry or you'll get me started again,” Lily said, wiping the tear from my face, but choked on indeed tears even as she said it. I smiled as I told her my reason for the tears.

“I'm just so glad to see you. I've missed you so much. I thought I was never going to see you again,” I choked, swallowing the lump in my throat.

“Well, here I am. You're safe now.” Then I remembered.

“Where's Kyle?”

“He's down the hall. You done quite a bit of damage to his leg,” she chuckled. “But he's okay. They got the wood splinters out.” I relaxed a little. I never meant to hurt him but it was necessary. “But you on the other hand, have a broken ankle, a mild concussion, a gaping head wound and lacking a concerning amount of blood.” I put my hand to my head and found bandages wrapped around the wound tightly. I couldn't feel anything though. God, I love morphine. “You're okay though, you'll be okay. Everything will heal.” Lily smiled, happy with her statement. I nodded.

“What's going to happen to Kyle?” I asked. Lily frowned.

“When he is healthy enough, they'll arrest him for assault and abduction.” My eyes went wide. They didn't know. Lily noticed my expression. “What is it? What else did he do?” I just looked into her eyes, before I dropped my gaze. I didn't want to say it, but I knew I would have to.

“He...” I put my hands on my lower abdomen. Lily gasped. I had said enough.

“He did what?” She growled. “He's going to rot. You'll need to tell the police.”

“I know,” I choked.

Lily informed the doctor that I was awake and I spent the rest of the day doing tests and answering questions for the police. I told them everything from the Saturday down by the oak to the moment that the police stormed the apartment. I cried uncontrollably as I relived the story. It was painful to remember but I knew I had no choice. Half way through the story, Lily had to leave the room. I think it was to much for her. When I was finished I asked the detective inspector something that caught her off guard.

“Can I see him?” The detective stared at me wide eyed for a moment.

“Eh, yes, of course if you wish.” She stammered. I slipped from my bed into a wheel chair and I made my way down the corridor towards Kyle's room. The detective followed me and was going to follow me into his room when I stopped her.

“Can I have just a moment, detective?” I asked.

“Yes, of course.” She said before leaving the room quickly and closing the door behind her. I kept my distance from Kyle, afraid to go to close.

“Miss me?” He laughed.

“No.” I said bluntly.

“Come on, don't be so cold. Stop denying your feelings for me. You'd be lying if you said you feel nothing towards me.”

“Oh, I never said I felt nothing towards you. I do but not in the way you think. I feel sympathy for you but at the same time I feel a burning hatred towards you for what you have done to me and I am currently fighting all my urges to stab something sharp into your other leg.” I smirked. “You'll pay for this.” I stated bluntly.

“I'll do my time. When the court case comes, I'll plead guilty and face my sentence. But when I'm out, I'll find you and I'll break you and your disgusting girlfriend.” He threatened. I swallowed. Then I turned and left. I nodded to the detective as I passed and I made my way back to my room. Lily had came back and had taken her seat by my bed once more. She helped me back onto my bed.

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