Chapter 8

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A week and a half had passed since I had been discharged from the hospital, the bruises were clearing up and going yellow/brown in colour, my sprains were healing fairly and my cracked ribs only hurt when I made sudden movements. So all in all, it could have been a lot worse. When I had arrived back at school, people just snickered and glared but I suppose I didn't expect anything better from them. They stood in my way when I tried to pass with my crutches, dropped snide comments whenever I passed and generally strived to make my life a living hell. News about Lily and I had spread around the school like an out of control wildfire and if I was totally honest, the judgmental stares we received and the snide comments mumbled under held breaths weren't as bad as I had expected. The fact that everyone knew about us made it easier for us because it meant we had nothing to hide from anyone. What never made sense though, was how everybody knew. The only people that had known anything when Lily, Ally and myself so I was baffled to how everyone knew something that wasn't exactly common knowledge. But, I was as happy as a girl in crutches could be anyway. The one thing that bothered me though, and it was something that I shouldn't let get to me but it did, was the devilish glares Kyle gave me at every given opportunity he could get. Word had gotten around that he wasn't overly thrilled about my recent change in relationship status or sexuality, but it baffled me to why it would bother him. He was the one who broke up with me, leaving me an emotional wreck for months while he flirted carelessly with anything that possessed a pulse. No one would answer my question though, and Kyle refused to talk to me so I had little hope of him telling me what his problem was. I decided it would be best to shake him off, to just ignore him and definitely tell Lily nothing about it. She didn't ask much about my relationships past, for fear of uncovering some suppressed feelings and upsetting me. I knew she was curious but she dared not ask anything. I'd tell her in time, but just not now. Not until he had gotten bored with tormenting me. It wasn't that I still loved Kyle, because I would be lying if I said I did. He crushed me, and in a way I was thankful because it taught me how to deal with it. We were happy while it lasted, but that obviously meant nothing to him.

Days passed in quick succession, morphing into weeks and before long, it had been a month that Lily and I had been together. I thought to mark the date, I would take Lily out to dinner. I would take her to her favourite restaurant; a small Indian in the nearby town that she had taken to. I had reserved a table for us by the window, in a secluded part of the restaurant. I had gotten her a gift too, after all it was her special night and I wanted her to feel like a princess. I sure hoped she would like it. I was trying my best to please her and keep her happy. She had no idea what I had planned, all she knew was to be ready for seven o'clock sharp and to wear anything she liked.

I arrived at her Dad's house and tooted the horn to let her know I was ready and waiting. Shortly after she made her way out to the car. I swallowed. She looked breath taking. She was wearing a strapless cream dress that fit perfectly, clinging comfortably to her curves. Her red hair sat in a neat bun on her head. Wow. I couldn't help but allow a smile to cross my face. That masterpiece walking toward the car was mine. I couldn't ask for anything better. Getting out of the car, I walked around and opened the car door for her, taking her hand and helping her nestle comfortably into her seat before closing the door and getting back in the car. I slipped the key into the ignition, but paused before I allowed the engine to come to life. I turned to Lily, taking her hand in mine.

“You look magnificent. Truly, picture perfect.” I watched her cheeks flare red and she stared lovingly at me, happiness clear in her eyes. She leaned forward, taking me slightly off guard as she pressed her lips against mine. Her tongue ran the length of my bottom lip and I parted my lips to allow her tongue access. There was a sense of urgency and passion behind her kiss and I returned the kiss with just as much passion. I reluctantly broke the kiss, trying to catch my breath.

“We best be heading, our table is booked for seven thirty,” I smiled mischievously knowing she still had no clue where we were going. So, with that the engine roared to life and we set off, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other entwined between Lily's fingers.

We arrived at the restaurant, and Lily's eyes lit up.

“I remembered,” I told her. I remember the night she told me about her favourite places, and I made it look very convincing I wasn't paying attention. I got out the car and opened the door for her. I took her hand, her skin soft against mine, and led her inside where we were greeted by a young woman who plastered a smile on her face, boredom leaking through the crack of her fake smile.

“Hi, I've a table booked for half past seven. The name is Chloe Dow.” I watched the woman scan a sheet half heartedly.

“As yes, your table is right this way,” she gestured for us to follow her. She walked across the restaurant before stopping at a booth by the window, and placed two menus on our table. We took our seats. “Can I get you girls something to drink?” She asked.

“Diet Coke, please,” Lily said.

“Make it two, thanks.” The woman nodded before scurrying off. We waited until she was out of ear shot before we spoke.

“You didn't need to go through all this trouble for me,” Lily said, I shook my head.

“Of course I did, I wanted to make it special. Oh yeah, and before I forget,” I dug a hand into my clutch and blued out a black velvet bock and handed it to Lily.

“What's this?”

“Just open it,” I told her. Lily opened the box slowly, nervous to what she was opening. She gasped when the box was fully open and she stared wide eyes at the gold necklace with a emerald green heart pendant. “It matches the colour of your eyes,” I said. She looked up from the necklace to me.

“Will you put it on for me?” I got up and took the necklace out of the box and fastened it around her neck. It looked better than I thought it would.

“Thank you, but you didn't have to. You didn't think I was going to show up tonight with out getting you anything did you?” A wicked grin curled on her lips as she presented me with a box, slightly the bigger than the one I had given to her. I opened the box curiously, before taking the contents in my hand. It was a silver bracelet with an inscription that read; “You are my sun, my moon and my stars. With you beside me my path will always stay bright.”

“I don't... Thank you, Lily. It's beautiful.”

Breaking The Barriers (GXG)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें