Chapter 5

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With my hand still in Lily's, I lead her over to the towering oak and sat down, pulling her down onto the soft ground beside me. Lily sat back against the trunk of the tree, her eyes greedily absorbing her surroundings as she muttered comments about the natural beauty of the place. I relaxed back, doing the same as Lily, feeling a sense of comfort and security wash over every fibre of my being. This place had always felt like home to me but tonight, as Lily and I sat under the setting sun, it felt more like home than it ever had. We sat here like this for what felt like a short eternity as the tranquillity of the lake engulfed us until a soft voice from beside me broke through the silence.

"Chloe?" Lily whispered, scared to raise her voice any louder in case her voice should fail her.

"Yeah?" I replied, my voice no louder than hers.

"I just wanted to say that I... Uh, I think you look beautiful." She smiled, her red lips pushing her cheeks up to show genuine happiness on her face. I felt my cheeks begin to flare up at the compliment.

"Thank you, Lily. I think you look beautiful too." I returned the compliment, my voice still no louder than a whisper.

"There is something I should tell you, and I mean, I don't really want to tell you. I mean, I trust you, it's not that I don't trust you because I do. It's just, its embarrassing and I don't want you to hate me or think I'm some sort of freak," Lily paused, her brow dipping. "I'm rambling like a complete idiot." She mumbled, shaking her head. I laughed at the quarrel she seemed to be having with herself.

"Just say it, if you want to, the best you can." I placed my hand on her thigh, comforting her. She sat for a moment, playing with words on her tongue, still indecisive on what she was going to say. I just sat curiously, trying to guess what she was trying to say to me in my head.

"Eh, right. Here I go. When I came to school on Monday, I saw you coming in with Ally, and I stood and, well, I watched you. Oh, God, that doesn't sound creepy at all!" She buried her face in her hands, shaking her head furiously. I sat in bewilderment as I thought of all the possible things she could be trying to tell me. My brain processed what she had just said and then something clicked.

"Lily? Lily, look at me." I watched Lily lift her head slowly, her cheeks rosy with embarrassment. I looked into the emerald eyes of the girl in front of me, and taking Lily by surprise, I lent in and kisses her ruby red lips.

I closed my eyes, as a tingling sensation spread across my lips. My heart hit off my rib cage in an irregular rhythm. I felt fingers become entangled in my hair, pulling me closer to Lily, so close I could feel her increasing heart beat. I pulled back for moment to look at her face, her eyes, for a trace of doubt that screamed that this wasn't okay. A small and bewildered smile touched her lips and that was all I needed to pull her back down to my lips. I smiled against her lips as she parted them slightly, giving me entrance to her mouth. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and allowed it to dance around slow and as graceful as a waltz, with Lily's. The grip of my hair loosened and Lily pulled back, breaking the kiss. She looked at me, breathing heavily, trying to catch back the breath I had so effortlessly stolen.

"You took the words right out of my mouth. " She laughed, so happy and carefree. I laughed along with her.

"If that wasn't convincing enough for you, I just want to let you know that I like you, and I have from the moment I laid eyes upon you. You're so wonderful and I feel like... This feels like fate." I confessed, feeling a weight being lifted from my chest.

"Sometimes, I am convinced you can read minds, Chloe. But I didn't know you liked girls," Lily said, looking sort of puzzled.

"Neither did I until I met you. From that point I began questioning myself. I have never felt the way I do around you with anyone else. I've never felt so... Me. I'm happy around you and when I'm not around you, I'm thinking about you. I don't think this is something that rises normally between two friends."

"That was kind of what I was trying to explain to you but instead I came across sounding like someone that watches people sleep." She joked. "So, what happens now?" She asked, curiosity hung heavily in her voice along with a few other emotions I tried desperately to put my finger on.

"What do you want to happen?" I quizzed.

"Well," she said looking down in embarrassment, " I want to be with you, if that is what you want too." Smiling, I answered her,

"Of course I do," then I leaned in and continued with our kiss.

Breaking The Barriers (GXG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora