Chapter 61

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Ciel held back a smirk at the 'brilliant' show he put on, well, was currently putting on. It was almost humorous how worried Sebastian was, he kept brushing back his bangs, stuttering, he was just so worried about his Baby.
"What do you mean something happened? Baby, tell me!" He said quickly, he had repeated it as Ciel stayed silent the few times before.
"I-I.... I went to the grocery store...." The blunette started, the raven nodding along. "And I got a test." He said and got ready to pick it up.
"And, and?!" Sebastian urged.
"Im pregnant." Ciel whimpered out, holding it up and hiding his face. The older male, in his worried trance, was shocked.
"Are you really?! You are?! Ciel that's- wait...."

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