Chapter 16

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BlueEyedSpider: Wait, he gave you his last name?

LittleBlueTeacup: Yeah.... And he told me where he was going.... I wanna.... I want to go but I don't think I should....

BlueEyedSpider: Well.... Do what feels best....

LittleBlueTeacup: Well, what if he's a jerk though?

BlueEyedSpider: If you don't go you'll never know.... If you do, and he is a jerk, you'll have the chance to get back at him. It's a 50/50 chance

LittleBlueTeacup: Oki.... Thanks Alois
BlueEyedSpider: No problem.... Hey, also, in a few days-maybe a week, I'm gonna go to a club and try to get a guy.... Wanna tag along either with or without Sebastian?

Ciel smiled at this, giggling a bit as he wrote his response. This is why he was friends with the blonde, sure he was a bit ditsy but he always made the blunette happy and laugh.

LittleBlueTeacup: Sure, and make sure you at least know the guy's name this time ;) :p

BlueEyedSpider: Hahaha, so funny

Once again, he clicked on the messages between he and Sebastian, eyeing it curiously. He really wanted to go, but what if all this time is was some random person playing a sick, cruel joke on him. A small frown formed on his lips before he quickly pushed the horrible thoughts away from his head. No, he's going to do this, and it's going to go well. Quickly, he willed himself to get up, changing out of his day old clothes and changing into fresh pajamas. He turned off the lights around his room and plugged his phone into the charger before laying down. It seemed small yet triumphant at the same time, he needs to take care of himself then he can start fixing up a few things. Tomorrow, he'll head out and buy groceries, come back, clean up around the house and continue to be productive. The day after that he'd do the same thing, plan his outfit for meeting Sebastian and shower as well. He's got this.

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