Chapter 51

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"Ok, boys, I think its time to go." Three stores later and all the shopping money was spent, bags beginning to pile up in the caregivers' arms. The littles both pouted and whined softly before receiving stern looks from the two older men. They shrunk back a bit, however it was obvious that they were tired, their eyes drooping.
"D-Daddy...?" Kai speaks up while they walk to the car, he saw the other nod and glance at him, motioning him to continue. "C-Can I spend night at CC house?" He said cutely, smiling. Jace unlocked their car, putting their bags in the trunk before looking at his lover.
"BabyBoy.... I'd have to make sure it was ok with Sebastian, and we'd have to go home and get you some-"
"N-Nu-uh! CC has clothes I could borrow!" He said cheerfully, rocking a bit on his heels. "I-I sure S-Sebasan no mind...." The taller man sighed and thought for a moment, looking around the parking lot, seeing the other couple a few cars down also packing their stuff away. He grabbed Kai's hand gently, leading him over before smiling politely.
"Sebastian? Kai here wants to sleep over and play with Ciel." He said, the other giggling as confirmation. Ciel's eyes lit up, widening in excitement as he nodded fast and tugged on the raven's sleeve. "I understand if you say no."
"I'm alright with it, they both got along so well and Kai is very well behaved." He smiled, eyes traveling to the two littles before continuing. "I'd love to have him over. If I could just have your nunber in case something comes up." They continued to talk about everything needed, meanwhile the two littles were giggling and playing with each other while waiting. A few moments later, the blonde was pulled aside and kissed multiple times before he was allowed into the car, being buckled in along with the other. The two babies squealed and giggled, beginning to babble on about the many adventures and games they would play when they got home. Sebastian chuckled and began driving, backing out of the parking spot and going back to Ciel's house, he knew they would probably take a nap first.
They pulled into the driveway, car being parks as the keys were removed from their proper place and stuffed in the man's pocket. He turned his head to the backseat, seeing two Little's asleep with their heads against each others', snoring peacefully. He smiled softly and gladly took a picture on his phone before getting out of the car and opening the back door. He gently shook his boyfriend awake first, the boy opening his eyes and wining a bit before unbuckling himself and climbing out, Kai waking in the process before they went inside. The blonde smiled a bit and looked around as they entered, eyes traveling across every surface.
"Nice house, Man...." He said a bit quietly, walking further through the door.
"Thanks, sorry it's a bit messy." Ciel also stepped inside, sitting on the couch and inviting the other to do the same. Both were out of little space, at least at the moment but that wasn't a bad thing, it gave Sebastian a small break. Said raven walked inside, shutting the door behind himself and carrying their bags into the bedroom before moving into the kitchen. He yelled from the door.
"You two hungry?" He asked, not moving around much yet.
"Y-Yes please!" The blunette's voice had changed back a bit, his headspace would always show up when he was tired but he was trying to fight it off, at least for now. Kai was going through the same problem, not just being tired, but being somewhere new. He wanted to explore! But, he would be polite, and eat first, he could be big. He smiled softly at the other, looking around once again, chewing his lip before speaking.
"After lunch.... You wanna...?"
"Yeah, definitely."

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