Chapter 29

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Ciel was still limp, he practically felt like he was waking up from a coma, still exhausted. His porcelain skin was covered in hickies, bruises, and bites just as anyone would have guessed. But, who said he was complaining? Like he had said before he absolutely loved them. He slowly raised his head, the sun shining on his messy hair as he rubbed his eyes slowly and started rolling over. A whimper broke the silent morning air, pain erupting through his hips as he quickly stilled and laid flat on his stomach once again. Tears gathered in his eyes while trying to look around for his lover. Why was he gone? Where did he go?
"D-Daddy..... Daddy?" He cried, tears rolling down his cheeks as he hugged the pillow his head was previously on. Heavy footsteps made their way into the bedroom, rushing over and quickly sitting next to the boy.
"Shhh~ Baby, I'm here~ It's alright...." He stroked his hair, straightening it out and flattening it once again. The little willed himself enough to fully flip onto his side, biting his lip before burying his face into the now clothed chest. "It's alright, I'm here, I'm here~" he cooed. He gently scooped up the weeping boy, hearing his noises of pain before pulling him onto his lap. A large hand rubbed over his back as his neck was quickly hugged, arms wrapping around it tightly.
"D-Daddy, I-I hurt...." He whimpered, rubbing his face into the collar of Sebastian's shirt. Said man nodded and kisses his cheek.
"I know, Baby. I went easy on you last night since it was your first punishment...." He heard a gasp right next to his ear before wide eyes stared at him.
"T-That was easy?? D-Daddy, I passed out!" He nearly yelled, shocked at what he had just heard. The raven smirked and chuckled softly before nodding once again and lifting the naked boy onto his hip as he stood. His arm wrapped around the bruised hips, large hand rested on his outer thigh, he whimpered softly before seeing the shopping bags on the kitchen counter. He bounced slightly, quickly realizing it was a mistake as he felt the shocking pain once again. Yet, his excitement still remained, seeing the two full bags. Had they stopped at a second store as well? Oh well, all he could do was giggle excitedly as his Daddy reached into one bag, it rustling a bit before pulling out one of his favorite things. The blue 'I love Daddy' paci was stuck between his parted lips, quickly accepting and sucking lightly on it as he leaned his head against the broad shoulder.
A small blush settled on his cheeks as the other smiled at the cutie he held. The bags were grabbed and carried back into their bedroom, being dumped out onto the bed. The tall male gently set his lover down on the bed, his mouth still latched onto the binky as he happily sucked away and began looking through the many goodies, all sprawled out just for him. Among the items were bottles with various designs, even more pacis, stuffies, some toys, and even some baby food. A wide smile spread across his face, yet not letting him drop the paci. He giggled yet again before turning to the man next to him and standing on the bed to hug him again.
"Thank you so much, Daddy!!" He squealed and jumped up, his legs going around his hips again. A chuckle came from right next to his ear and he was kisses quickly then set back down. He pouted momentarily before seeing where his caregiver was walking. The man approached their dresser, opening the tip drawer and pulling out a simple white button up shirt, also grabbing Ciel's underwear from the floor. The boy was handed the clothing before he began dressing himself, remaining on the bed and wiggling into his underwear before smiling happily.
"I'm Daddy's Wittle Boy!"

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