Y/n: Screwed

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It started in middle school. Your father had recently died in a villain attack in Hosu City. before that, you were in your class, fucking around with your friend.

"I swear if you shove another pencil up your goddamn nose, I'm gonna call the police-"

"Y/n L/n?" A member of the Police Force walked through the door. Instantly, the class quieted down. You froze, staring at him.

"Oh shit you found the drugs, didn't you?"


"What?" You and him both stared at each other.

"You're needed at the hospital," he said, "Your father's in critical condition." At that, your eyes widened. With a fleeting glance at your teacher, you ran out of the room.

The hospital was the last place you wanted to be right now. Your mother was there first. When she spotted you, she ran up to you and engulfed you in a hug.

"Mom? How's dad?" You asked, returning her affection.

"He's..." Your mom paused. "The doctor said he's in critical condition, and it would take a miracle for him to recover." She sniffed and knelt down. "They don't think he's going to make it." Your eyes went wide.

"But... I don't understand... how did this happen?" You gently placed your hands over hers.

"A villain did this." She clenched her fist, balling up your clothes. "Those goddamned pieces of shit did this to me." You winced.

"Mom, mom, stop. Please, you're hurting me!" At your exclaim, she pulled back away from you.

"I'm so sorry," she said, placing her hands to her side. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm just... so angry." You eyed her, hands gingerly cupping your burning shoulders.

"It's okay," you said softly, "I get it." She softly smiled and you before bowing her head.

How did this happen? It's only been a week, so why is your life being flushed down the shit drain?
Your mother, the kind, warm, loving mother, was just arrested. Why? Because she disobeyed orders, killed dozens of people in her quest to find the villain, and killed him- which went against her given orders. Now that left you. Poor, pathetic you. Abandoned in middle school. Even your friend, who you thought you were close to, left.

"Hey, hey. Did you hear? They just classified L/n's mother as a villain!"
"Uwaaa! Scary!"
"I feel bad for you, L/n. Being the daughter of a villain."
"If your quirk is anything like your mother's, I don't want you coming to my birthday party."


You did.

The snide comments didn't bother you. That's all that they were. Snide comments.

So now, you were in the bathroom taking a massive shit. The door opened wide and you could hear a small group of girls enter. Being the sneaky bitch you are, you looked through the cracks in the stall.

"Did you hear?" The one said, "L/n's mom is serving 83 years to life in prison."

"Serves her right," the other said, "she should've gotten the death penalty." The rest of your shit emptied out of your colon in a hot snake. The girls froze.

"Is someone in there?"


"L/n?!" One of the girls exclaimed, "Why are you in here?"

"Well, you see, once the food digests, it-"

"We know how digestion works!"

"Oh. Well, I'm here for the end result. I ate some bomb tacos before." You were talking to them through the stall door. "If you're done here, I'm about to let an explosive fart rip my asshole apart, so can you leave, please?" The girls, slightly sputtering, all stumbled out of the bathroom quickly. There was a light boom that came from behind them. A stench wafted up the hallway.



After you recovered from your toilet mission, you walked down the empty hallway. Everyone was either at lunch, in the classrooms, or straight up avoiding you.

"Hey! You!" You sighed and halted. That familiar voice annoyed the shit out of you. "L/n, daughter of a villain."

"Haisaki, son of a bitch," you challenged, turning around to face the mole-faced rat. "What is my fated rival doing here?" He scowled at you.

"Don't act all friendly with me. Not after what your mother did."

"Why do you keep associating me with her? She's her own person and I'm my own."

"You're still her daughter."

"Just cause I came out of her pussy doesn't mean shit." He stalked up to you, cornering you against the wall.

"In your mother's genocide, my grandfather was a victim. He was ninety eight- NINETY EIGHT YEARS OLD!" He grabbed your collar tightly and shook it. "Among the others were children... but you think nothing of it, do you? Because YOU didn't do it, because YOU weren't there!" His quirk, which was just super strength, began to show.
He pushed you farther into the wall.
He's gonna break a damn rib!

"You think you can just live a peaceful life while you're mother killed dozens of innocents?!"

"Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone!" You pushed him away from you. He went falling to the floor.

"Who fucking cares about me?! JUST SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!" Eyes slitting, with a burst of strength and energy, you lunged for him. Slashing was your first move, nails digging deep into his chest. Blood splattered against the wall. His screams attracted the attention of some students.

"Oh my god! What are you doing?! Stop!!" They exclaimed, running up to you and using their quirks to try and pin you down. It didn't work, however, because you just threw the one into the wall, cracking her skull open, and used your claws on the other to tear her throat apart.
Your growling turned animalistic as teachers ran to the scene. With a scream, you too, attacked them. You didn't remember much after that. You remember a lot of screaming and gunshots, but nothing visual.

"What did you do?!" You could faintly hear different teachers and people yelling at you, your body shaking and screaming. Then it hit you. Literally. Someone had a baton and smacked you with it. You passed out.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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