A Strange Follower (Ch 2)

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(recap: Morgan's parents kicked her out)

(7 years later.. Morgans pov)

(I wandered the streets alone.. it was night and the rain didn't make it any better. My once beautiful dress was now torn and coated with mud and dirt. For years now i've been living off very little, only alive due to the generosity of others, who would occasionally toss me something as they passed by. During this time, I've noticed myself being followed by a strange cat. It was nothing like the other cats I'd seen. Unlike the others, no matter how many times I shooed this cat it never went away. I slumped down in one of the alleyways, weary and tired. I saw the cat appear from around the corner. I've never actually interacted with it, so I decided I would today. I held out my hand.)

    Morgan: Come here..

(I cooed to it softly and it came over. Gently, it touched it's nose to my palm. As it did this, I had a strange feeling. Suddenly, everything else around me turned black. The cat.. it spoke to me somehow.)

    Cat: Hello Morgan

(It sounded like a young female voice. I had no idea what was going on, but I answered anyways)

    Morgan: Umm.. hi

Cat: Yeah, it's a shocker isn't it? Never seen a talking cat before have ya?

    Morgan: Um no.. how are you talking to me? I don't see your lips moving..

Cat: I'm talking to you through your mind. As a cat I can't exactly speak verbally to you or else other people would freak out ya know?

     Morgan: Yeah.. um why are you talking to me then?

Cat: Well, I gotta deal for ya

    Morgan: Yeah what's that?

Cat: I'm so surprised that you're not freaking out.. well.. I can give you everything you need

    Morgan: What do you mean?

Cat: A home, food, oh and have you smelled yourself recently? Whew..

    Morgan: Okay okay I get it.. but what's the price?

Cat: Well to tell you the truth I am actually a demon cat.. but I was cast away from my owner and now I can't do anything.. Now I just wanna be a normal cat so could you just do that for me? Please?

    Morgan: So you just want to be my cat and you'll give me anything I want?

Cat: Yep! Oh, and when this is over you won't remember what happened, but you'll think of me as your pet cat. But you gotta love and care for me, remember that!

    Morgan: How can I remember if you're gonna take away my memory?

Cat: Oh nevermind, I'm sure you will anyways!

(She began to purr and crawled onto my lap.)

    Cat: So is it a deal or what?

Morgan: Okay I guess..

    Cat: Yay! Oh and remember, my names Twink. Okay don't remember, just know.

(She began purring again and swished her tail. Suddenly everything was back to reality. I sat up, not remembering anything that happened. I somehow recalled having a pet cat.. named Twink.. who I took with me when I left somehow.)

    Morgan: Come here Twink!

(I called. She came running over and crawled onto my lap, purring.)

    Morgan: I don't know why, but I feel like I just met you.. but of course that can't be true cause' you're my kitty.

(I laughed and she looked up at me, purring. I stood up, setting her down. It seemed strange that she followed me like a dog, but then I somehow remembered how she always did that. Somehow though, I didn't feel hungry or tired anymore. Though I still was dirty, it was strange that most of my problems were solved already..)

    ???: Oh excuse me.

(someone said suddenly as they bumped into me. I looked up and saw someone a little taller than me. Their voice sounded about my age. He looked down at me. From what he was wearing I couldn't see his face.)

Morgan: Oh hello..

    ???: Do you have a home?

Morgan: Um.. uh no.. not.. well not exactly.. I-

    ???: That's okay, do you wan't to stay with me then?

Morgan: Uh, yeah that would be great but.. I don't even know your name..?

    ???: Just call me Alois.

(I nodded and he took my hand, leading me back to his mansion, which wasn't very far from where we were.)


(Sorry this one was so short :3 oh and not many people are gonna read this probably so this is mostly just for my enjoyment xp I might fix it up a bit if more people read and stuff)

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