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"I literally have no fucking clue to who it could be cal" I said to Calum.

We were making our way into the school building and towards our locker. I was currently telling him everything that happened the day before.

"Okay I have a really crazy idea of who it could be" he said



"No way" I said and then opened my locker.

" just think about it okay, he saw you at pink, he kept looking at the panties you picked out, and you gave him your number!" Calum exclaimed reaching for his things for his first class.

After we both had everything we needed for our first class we started walking towards it.

"Okay maybe you're right, MAYBE" I said to him as we reached the class we sat in our usual seats in the back that were of course next to each other. "Should I even reply? I don't know what to say" I groaned.

"Just say something you'll usually say. OH I HAVE AN IDEA!" Calum shouted, everyone turned their heads looking at us.

"Mind your business" I said to them, they all turned and went back to what they were doing. "What's your idea?"

"Okay so you know how your extra ass loves to take pictures of yourself in your panties whenever you get new ones?"

"Yeah? What about it"

"Did you take any last night?" He asked me. I swear if anyone heard what we were talking about they'd be extremely weirded out.

"Of course I did. The lighting was extra amazing during golden hour"

"Okay well hear me out here, I'm more than one hundred percent sure that the number is Michaels so I think, hear me out, you send him the picture of you in the pink lace panties saying "they're my favorite too"

"Calum Thomas Hood, are you fucking crazy!" I whisper shouted seeing that the class has already started.

"You can send it to him during Lunch to see his reaction! and get the confirmation that it was him"

"And if it isn't him?"

"Crop your face out just Incase, but I'm more than one hundred percent it is him"

"I fucking hate you" I groaned laying my head down on my desk gently.


As I was waiting in line to get my lunch I scanned the cafeteria looking for the table I usually sat at trying to see if the white haired bad boy was there.

Sometimes I forget that he's a bad boy, then I remembered how he messed with my feelings but then again that was probably my fault for getting attached so damn fast.

I spotted his white hair along with purple right next to him of-fucking-course.

Oh and they're sitting at the table that Cal, Ashton, and I sit at, lovely.

I left the lunch line and pulled out my phone quickly calling Calum of course he answered on the first ring


"He's sitting at our fucking table with that rat, or his toy, whatever the fuck she is to him"

"Oh hell no. I'm almost by the Caf and Ashton said he's gonna be there in like a minute, wait for me and we can go together" he said trying to calm me.

I'm not sure what emotions I'm feeling right now, sad, hurt, or anger? I'm going to go with Anger.

"Okay but please hurry" and with that I hung up.

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