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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm, I groaned and quickly shut it off. I went to my bathroom to do what I always did every morning.

I stood in front of my closest, not sure of what wear, especially since I didn't even feel like going to school. The only good thing about today was that I get to see Michael, it's going to be the first time I've seen him since our kiss. A smile started to appear on my lips as I thought about what happened on that Friday night.

I decided to wear a plaid high waisted skirt, with black pantyhose, and a black tight turtle neck, For shoes I just decided to wear all black converse.

For make up I just did what I did for the party except not as perfect, it was still cute though.

I texted Ashton and asked if he was going to be taking Calum and I, he quickly replied saying that he couldn't because he was taking Michael to school, I smiled.

"Mother" I sang

"Son" she sang back. I chuckled, I love the relationship I had with my mom. She's like my best friend

"Can you take me to school?" I asked while going down the stairs

"Of course honey, let me get my keys and we'll be on our way" she then walked away, to her room I assume.

I made my way to the living room so I could get my book bag and oversized jean jacket. My mom walked back into the living room with her keys and everything she needed.

I made my way to her truck and sat in the passenger seat, connecting my phone to the radio right away. I decided to play black bear knowing my mom loves him almost as much as i do.

After fifteen minutes of jamming out with my mom we finally made it to my school, I got out the car but before I could walk away I heard my mom call me.

"I'm going to be working late so do you have your keys? And I'll leave thirty dollars on the counter so you can order food when you get back from school okay?" She said

"Yes I do have my keys and okay mom" I replied

"I love you" she said a small smile making a way to her face.

"I love you too momma" I said, I then closed the truck door and entered hell, I mean school.

I always get those two confused, silly me.

I walked to my locker and saw Calum there at his.

"Hey you fake betch" I said to him while opening my locker

"Shut up" He said laughing "also I think you're the fake betch because you never told me what happened during truth or dare!" He said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh my god, you're never gonna believe what happened" i said then I told him everything that happened on that Friday night.

"Are you going to talk to him today?" Calum asked after I told him everything.

"Yeah, probably during lunch" I said while closing my locker, Then cal and I started making our way to our first class.
"Is Michael gonna sit with us?" I asked Ashton seeing that he was already at the lunch table and he was the closest one to Michael out of all of us.

"Nah, He said he was gonna sit with some chick. I think her name was crystal or some shit like that." He shrugged.

My heart dropped all the way to my stomach. I tried to ignore the pang of hurt I felt in my chest.

"Uh I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back" I said then quickly got up almost bumping into Calum.

"Luke are you okay?" He said, a worried look beginning to grow on his face.

"Yeah I just need to pee I'll be back" I said quickly then walked away, going the opposite direction of the bathrooms.

As I was walking quickly I heard voices. I stopped in my tracks immediately hearing a familiar chuckle. My heart stopped.

I didn't want to look but I did anyways, I peeked from around a corner and Michael with a girl, who I believe was named crystal. She was pretty and had purple hair I saw her tracing Michaels tattoos looking up at him with a smile on her face. She was leaning on the lockers while Michael was in front of her, his face very, very close to hers.

I began to feel upset as I watched him lean in, and soon their lips connected. I gasped, louder than I thought I did because I soon felt Michaels eyes on me. I quickly turned around and walked away.

I looked for the nearest exit and left the school building. My heart so low I felt it on my feet.

I was so dumb. It was just a stupid kiss, why did I get so attached? Why would I actually believe that Michael would have feelings for me? We just kissed and it's nothing more than that. The cuddles and the kiss meant nothing to him so why would it mean so much to me?

Maybe I just over thought how I felt about him. Yeah, that's what I did.

I realized that I made it home faster than I assumed I would. I got out my keys and unlocked the door I threw my jean jacket on the couch.

"Fuck" I yelled realizing that I forgot my book bag In my locker.

I heard my phone vibrating from my jean jacket pocket so I quickly went to go get I read the caller ID and saw it was Cal.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Luke what the fuck where are you?" He yelled panic noticeable in his voice.

"I came home I don't feel good" I said in a monotone voice

"Bullshit, I'm going over. I don't care if I miss the rest of my classes" he said

"No I'm fine, I promise"

"I don't care, I'm still going over" and with that he hung up.

I decided to quickly call my mom and tell her that I came home before the school did it. She asked if I was okay and of course I replied with a yes, I then told her that Calum was also going to come over cause he was tired and she just replied with a chuckle.

I decided to change out of these clothes, I felt too much like shit to look pretty. I changed into gray joggers and a white undershirt.

After I finished changing into bum clothes I saw that Calum finally showed up and was already eating.

"When did you get here" I asked with an eyebrow raised

"Like twenty minutes ago" he shrugged

"Let's order pizza and wings, I'm too sad to care about my health and I just want junk food" I said with a sigh

"Of course babes, I'll play a movie?" Calum said, even though I didn't exactly say what I was sad about I could tell that he already knew.

I ordered the pizza and sat on the couch while I waited for Cal to play a movie. We decided to watch Love, Simon. He quickly came into the couch and plopped down right next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and leaned his head on top of mine.

"Thank you cally" I whispered, he hummed in response.

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