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Okay so I'm just going to have the rest of the story in Luke's point of view and if it's in another point of view I'll say it in the beginning of the story like I did for the last two Luke Chapters, but just Incase you guys ignored this whole thing I'll put Luke's POV for this chapter.


I woke up with a giant smile on my face , which was very, very rare.

Last night was fucking amazing. After Michael and I kissed he stayed in my room with me until like four in the morning.

We stayed on my bed cuddling talking about anything and everything. We stayed in each others arms enjoying each others company like there was no tomorrow, but once he looked at the time he realized he had to go. He gave me another kiss and again I felt the spark, then he made his way out the same way he came in.

I wish last night didn't end.

I got off of my bed lingering on the soft silk sheets. I walked to my bathroom and turned on the shower, while I was waiting for the water to warm up I put on my face wash so I can just wash it off in the shower.

I hopped into my shower and washed my hair and shaved my entire body. Making sure my pale skin was still baby soft.

Once I was out of the shower I brushed my teeth and put lotion on. After I was done with all that I stood in front of my closet unsure of what to wear. I decided to text Calum to see if he was doing anything today and we could hang out, he quickly replied that he couldn't and had a date wit Ashton, I groaned loudly I guess it's just going to be a boring long weekend.

I decided to just wear bummy clothes so I stuck with a pastel pink sweater that was huge on me with some white knee-high socks, I only wore my panties that kinda looked like shorts, but since the sweater is so huge on me no one would even notice.

After I was dressed I made my way downstairs into the kitchen to get snacks so I could spend the whole day watching Netflix or YouTube.

I took some gold fish crackers and a clear fruit water. I decided that I was in the mood to get scared so I decided to watch The Conjuring.

I turned off all my lights and closed my curtains making sure that my room was very dark. I plugged in my headphones to my laptop and got into a comfy position on my bed. I turned the volume all the way up and played the movie.

As I was getting more into the movie I began to get more scared, especially since I was home alone.

As the movie began to get more intense my door opened. I screamed loudly throwing the gold fish crackers all over my bed, I threw the empty goldfish crackers bag at whoever opened my door, scared for my life I hid under my blanket too scared to look.

"Luke what the hell" the intruder said. I was still hiding under my blankets, so I peaked my head up so only my eyes were noticeable I finally realized that it was just my mom.

"Oh my god mom you scared the hell out of me" I said finally getting out from under the blankets with my hand on my chest.

She chuckled and closed my door.

I checked my phone to see if I had any messages, sadly I didn't. Only notifications that people were commenting and liking my recent selfie on Instagram. All of them being thirsty girls and guys. I still can't believe that girls try to get with me, I dress girlier than them and I'm one hundred percent sure I like dick more than them too.

I chuckled to myself, if people knew half of the things I thought I wouldn't be as popular as I am.

I decided to take a nap, I didn't notice how tired I was until my mom scared the shit out of me.

I wish this weekend was over so I could see Michael already.


I am sososo sorry for this boring chapter, nothing really happened. I had a whole plan figured out but then I realized not much of it made sense and I would just be jumping and throwing around the days and time and all the important parts to a good story.

I promise next chapter will be better. I'm current working on it and have a plan for it so don't give up on me yet

And also can someone make me a cover for this book? I don't really like the current one so if you can please PM me <3

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