I watched as they left the room. As the room grew silent, I began tapping my foot on the floor, creating an echoing noise throughout the room, I began playing with my hands as I had them folded on the table, trying to keep myself calm as my heart began racing.

Any minute now, an old friend of mine was going to be entering through the door right in front of me. What he will do afterwards is something I cannot say for sure.


Dr. Morgan handed me another surgical mask and we made our way down a few flights of stairs and down towards the end of the hallway, pausing before the doorway where I would be having my experiment.

"This is where the human is." Dr. Morgan explained. "As soon as that door opens and you are seated, I will remove your mask and the experiment will begin."
"I-I dunno if I can do this..." I stuttered.
"Mr. Scheid, we cannot back out of this, otherwise you will never be able to adapt to society as a ghoul."
"I don't want to hurt this person." I responded.
"And I know you won't." Dr. Morgan assured me. "Remember, you were once a human before, and ghouls have feasted on your body before, both willingly and unwillingly. Just think of how it felt to you and how it would feel to them."
"Will that work?" I asked.
"I'm not sure." He shrugged. "It's just some encouragement and advice. But just know I will be in the next room over watching, and if anything happens, I will come right in."
I hesitated, but finally nodded. "Alright, thank you doctor."

Dr. Morgan then grabbed the doorknob, twisted it and opened it.

As the door opened and I could see inside of the room, my eyes widened as I saw an old friend sitting at the table in front of me.

It was Ethan. He was now somehow human. It was his blood I was feeding on, and now he's part of my experiment.


My heart skipped a beat as the door suddenly opened, showing Dr. Morgan and right next to him was Tyler, wearing a surgical mask.

His eyes widened, probably wider than a pair of eyelids can stretch. He stood there completely frozen, and I could see his body trembling.

He hesitated but then slowly made his way into the room and sat down. Dr. Morgan closed the door behind him as he headed into the other room.

Tyler didn't say a word, he just looked at me, most likely in disbelief. I can't really blame him, I thought I would never see him again either.

"H-Hey Tyler." I finally said.
"Y-You're alive." Tyler remarked. "How?"
"Well, they didn't want to put your human organs to waste, so they decided to see what would happen if they put human organs into me, and here I am." I explained.
"Oh my god..." Tyler simply responded.

Suddenly, we heard another message from the intercom coming from Dr. Morgan.

"Mr. Scheid, please remove your mask." He stated.

Tyler looked over at me, I gave him an assuring nod. He then hesitantly began to take off his mask. It took him about several minutes for him to make the mask fully off, but eventually I could see his whole face, but he immediately covered it with his hand.

"Mr. Scheid, please remove your hand." Dr. Carter demanded.

Tyler looked over at me again. I gave him another reassuring nod, but he still didn't remove it.

"Tyler, it's okay. Just do what he says." I told him.

Tyler still kept his hand to his face for another moment, before finally removing it. I could tell he was uncomfortable. I couldn't blame him, I felt the same way before.

Tyler continued looking at me with an unsure and uncomfortable look, not saying a word, which made me feel the same way. I knew I had to break the silence.

"H-How do you feel?" I asked.

He still didn't respond.

Suddenly, without any warning, Tyler jumped out of his chair, over the table and tackled me to the ground.

"Tyler! TYLER STOP!" I screamed.

I could then feel his teeth digging into my neck.  I've felt pain before, having been slaughtered nearly to death by Mark when I was a ghoul. But this was a whole new level. I don't know if it was because I was human and feel things differently, but either way I wanted it to end, whether I would end up dead or alive.

Finally, after what felt like minutes, both doctors removed him from on top of me and took him out of the room.

But the damage had already been done, and I could feel myself growing dizzy and my eyes going blurry before blacking out.
Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for the late updates! For some reason I've just been terribly inactive in writing my stories lately and I'm going to try and get back into the swing of things again!

More to come soon!

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