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Hello there, this is a random book that I decided to write which will include different pieces of descriptive writing that I have written in my free time!

I might make a section on tips for descriptive writing Hmmmmmmmm

Special Thanks To:

ZayZay1618 - Who inspired me to make this book! Do make sure to check out ZayZay's descriptive writing book as well!

Hope You Enjoy!


My writing is not the best and I would always like the opportunity to improve. I am open to suggestions and improvements! Please message me or comment if you see any errors or if there is anything I could improve.

If you use pieces from this book as reference in your own personal writing for things such as stories, projects or coursework, please do not copy or plagiarize directly, but rather just take inspiration as that is the right way to go to!

SEPTEMBER 2022: I have completed my GCSE English Language earlier in the summer and I've achieved a grade 8! I hope everyone else who has done GCSE exams has gotten great results! One of the components was a descriptive writing piece coursework, so I'd like to believe that I am somewhat qualified enough to offer this book as something you can take inspiration from for your own descriptive writing coursework pieces too!

EXTRA NOTE: I've taken the SAT test twice and initially received a 620 score on the English section, but have now improved to a 730 score out of 800, so I'd just like to add that to the point above to add some credibility to this book!


MAY 2023: All sections of the book from 2018-2020 have been updated for various mistakes, notably spelling.

JUNE 2023: All sections of the book from 2021 onwards have had corrections in spelling, punctuation and grammar made.

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