Five || Bargaining with Arguing

Start from the beginning

"Jiyeon...why'd you do that?" My brother asked me slightly disappointed.

"What?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Why'd you bargain the baby?!" He huffed us angrily.

My mouth slowly became agape over what he said. I don't know why I suddenly became angry at this. Maybe it's because he doesn't want to be saved when I owed him so much. He saved me from everything.

"I wanted to repay you, you think I wanted it?!" I growled.

"But if you saved my nephew then you could've repaid me that way!" He yelled.

I looked at the ground at his response. Him dying and the baby staying alive isn't nice. If both were saved and alive then I'm fine with that. Besides, the prince and I are co-parenting Seja.

"The prince and I are co-parenting, did he not tell you that?" I lower my voice.

He stares at me in shock. Don't tell me he doesn't approve of that. He looks slightly downhearted but gives a small smile.

"That's fine...he didn't tell me you and him were co-parenting," He mutters.

I feel like he knows something I don't. A secret of some sort. I give him a suspicious look and slowly glance down to Seja. He was still sleeping soundly in my warm arms. He didn't even stir. I feel my bottom lip pop out into a pout. He's so cute when he sleeps. I bop his small nose. I feel my brother's intense stare while juggling his gaze from his nephew and me.

"C-Can I hold him?" My brother stutters out.

I nod and slowly place the baby in his arms. He held him in a cradled position like he should. He looks into his facial features.

"What's his name...?" He slowly asked.

"Seja," I smile at the two boys bonding.

He gulps, "where'd you come up with that name?"

"He looked like a royal baby, so I named him that, why do you ask?" I raise a brow.

He whispers something, but I couldn't hear it.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Oh nothing, I was just pointing out how perfect he looks," My brother smiles widely.

Maybe a little too wide. He looked like he was lying right through me and I let it get passed me. This isn't great at all.

"Are you sure?" I asked trying to reassure him.

"Yeah, he's going to have a perfect jawline along-"

"Oh my, okay I get it, he's going to get all the girls," I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly, he's a handsome baby," He smirked and looked up at me.

I laugh, "okay, time for food."

* * *

Today was the day that I would give Seja to the prince. I didn't want to stay away from my child though. He is my child. I would have to bargain with him again if I want to actually keep a good eye on Seja. My brother told me he'd pay for the drive there. I told him, no, yet he already paid it. Advance technology I tell you.

" really didn't have to," I sulked.

"But I did," He chuckled.

I laugh along with him while our driver speeds to the Royal Palace of KMJP. I never really understood what it meant. I should probably ask the prince or one of the guards. And the two guards who were with me left since they aren't MY guards. I'm not of royal blood so I can't do anything. It was just for the week. Or barely until the end of the week. That was before the prince gave me something I had to overthink about. One day I'm going to kill him.

"What's with the face?" Dylan asked.

"I'm scared for Seja," I look away with a frown.

"It's going to be okay, maybe he'll give you some advantages on co-parenting with my nephew," He signed.

"That's the prince we're talking about," I stop and then continue on, "he can do and get whatever he pleases and it pisses me off."

My brother gives me a side look of disappointment. I give him a sneer right back.

"I will wish the best for Seja," I stated.

Dylan nods in agreement and smiles.

* * *
Havenland - Royal Palace of KMJP

We reached the great palace. Once we had pulled up to the gates the chauffeur that had driven me while I was pregnant opened the door for my brother and me to get out. I give him a thankful look and find the guards slowly marching towards the gateway with the prince in the middle. The sidelines that the guards stood from were very organized and satisfying to look at.

"Prince Park Jimin, bow down!" One of the guards yelled.

The other guards leaned down in synchronization. It was also a ninety-degree angle. I look to my brother and he does it too. I awkwardly look around and give in to bowing too.

The prince waved all the people bowing to stand straight up again. Prince Jimin walked slowly towards me with his shoe heels clicking as he walked.

"Welcome to the Palace of KMJP," He smirked at me.

I give an irritated look.

"I plan to have an equal amount of power when we start co-parenting,"

"Maybe I'll allow it," He lowly laughs.

"You will," I sneer.

"Oh, but listen here," He walks in front of my face so cockily, "I am the prince and I get to do what I want, remember?"

* * *
(Updating again, sorry for the delay! 😔
I have some issues with my personal life.)
Edited -not thoroughly

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