One || Another Day to Stay Alive

Start from the beginning

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Finally, I'm sweating so much. I'm drenched in sweat it's disgusting. I had taken a free ride from a kind man. He took me 3/4 of the way and then I had to walk the other 1/4. I didn't want to waste his time so I kindly declined. I walk around trying to find my brother. He better still be here. Maybe not until I overheard a conversation between the nobles.

"Have you heard?"


"One of the peasants PERSONALLY got arrested by the prince!"

"Really?! No way!"

"Yes way! Apparently, he was the wanted guy that was stealing from the riches!"

"Ugh, the peasants really don't know their place!"

"Exactly! I hope he rots in that prison cell,"

My face crumbles and I hold to urge to come and punch those gossipers in the face. I now run to the palace in anger. This better not be happening. They better not be torturing him. I bang on the palace doors so hard that my hands start to bruise.

"Ma'am! Please leave!" One of the front door guards yelled.

"No! You have my brother captive and I will need him back!" I yell definitely annoyed.

"If you don't leave we will have to take you prisoner!" They answer back.

"I will do whatever to get my brother back!" I stated.

"Then you leave us no choice," I heard them sigh.

They open the doors and grab me by the arms. They take out shackles and cuffed my hands together.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing!" A voice boomed from inside the palace.

"A-Ah! Your highness! We were just taking this woman-"

"Let her go!" The prince cuts him off, "no respect for a pregnant woman."

The guards look down as they let go of me. I look up to the man. He was wearing his crown of honor and had gold all over his clothes. He was in his formal clothing. He looked so familiar and I just couldn't find out.

"How many months are you pregnant?" The prince asked.

"I'm nine months pregnant," I answer once I faced him.

"Do you know...who the father is?" He questions.

I don't know why he's asking or why he wants to know, but it's weird.

I shake my head and watch him sigh.

"Alright, please follow me," He motions.

He walks off to the prison cells and leads me to all the prisoners inside.

"If you see your brother please tell me," He hums with his hands behind his back.

I gulp as I meet the eyes of many men. They had menacing looks plastered on their faces. That's until I was met with a drowsy man. It was my brother.

"Him," I whisper slightly.

The prince in front of me stops and turns to the cell where I had stopped. I pointed to the man behind the bars.

"Dylan Wang, you have a visitor," The prince announced.

This caught the mans attention. He looks up and finds my eyes. He runs up from the hard bed and holding the metal bars.

"Jiyeon, I'm sorry," My brother apologizes for no reason at all.

"DiDi, you know I would always forgive you since you've always been there for me," I pityingly said.

His eyes were full of sadness. He felt weak that he couldn't be able to live up to those standards anymore.

"W-What's his punishment anyways?" I turn to the prince still watching the scene in front of him.

"Death by...guillotine," The prince states with a slight distressed voice.

I clench my fist while I gulp in slight concern, "what can I do for you to let him free?"

He doesn't speak for a few seconds. He was hesitant. He didn't know what could help my brother and I.

"I would have to look into that ma'am," He simply says.

I look towards my brother intensely. I wanted my brother free from this palace. He only stole to keep the three of us alive. And now here we all our trapped in the mess of our own well-being. It was all for the greater good. He was helpful and I appreciate that so much. I have so much respect for my brother just because he had helped me through so much of my hard times. Especially when I was kicked out of my parent's home. He decided to follow me and give me his guidance with nothing in return. He was the best person I've met throughout my lifetime. Now I must give back to him for he had suffered so much to keep me safe and alive. To be living and healthy. I owe my whole life to him and so I will do what I can to get him out of this hell hole.

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Edited -not thoroughly

Dylan Wang

Dylan Wang

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