28. Going home

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Ty's POV

I don't know how long it's been. After that day, I don't remember much. I remeber the pain and then passing out but when I woke up I was back in the dungeon like before.

I don't know how long it's been since then. More than a day I know that. I just woke up when the cell door opened and the sisters escorted me through the catacombs to a room where I was handcuffed to the table and sitting in a chair.

A few moments later, Zinnia walked in with three other hunters. The sisters left the room and Zinnia stood behind me. Abby sat in the chair in front of me with two hunters behind her. She's in full gear with a weapons belt and everything.

"Abby?" I asked.

"Ty" Abby said with a small smile.

I didn't say anything else. I just simply waited for her to say anything. But, she didn't.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"To take you home" she says. "But you must agree to some terms first" I raise an eyebrow to indicate for her to carry on.

"There are rules you must go by" she says simply. She slides a piece of paper towards me on the table. I look down at it and read the rules.

1. If you wants to go train you must be escorted and watched at all times.

2. You cannot have anyone with you at night.

3. You can see someone for an hour at a time.

4. You cannot leave your bedroom.

5. You will not go on any missions.

6. You will only have meetings in your bedroom with the pack.

7. You will be handcuffed from the dungeons to your bedroom in the institute.

I think about these for a while, they aren't too bad.

"Fine" I agree slowly. "But"

"Yes?" Abby asks me.

"I want more than an hour for visiting" I conclude. Abby looks behind me and back to me again.

"Hour and fifteen minutes" Abby says. I glare at her with my arms folded. She sighs and thinks again.

"Hour and a half" she says.

"Two hours" I say sternly.

"Hour and 45 minutes" I sigh. It's the longest they're going to give me.

"Deal" I shake her hand and smile. They nod and unhandcuff me from the table.

The two hunters from behind Abby take me and help me walk. I can walk on my own but that doesn't matter. I want to go home.

They escorted me out to the car where I am put in the back with the two hunters and Abby. Zinnia drives the car back to the institute.

Once we arrive Abby, Zinnia and another hunter go inside with the last one to escorting me to my room.

"Get out" he says in disgust, pulling me out of the car roughly. I pull my hands away from his easily, clearly he needs to work on his grip.

"Fuck off. I deserve some respect" I say.

"No," he says. "You don't. You aren't like the rest of us. You have angel blood. Your a disgrace to your family. Your different"

I kick him in the stomach, making him double over, I cut the chains on the sword which sticks out and take them off when they open automatically.

He stands up and I punch him in the face, not hard, but enough for him to turn his head to the side. I tripped him up and he falls to the floor. He hits his head on the steps and lies unconcious.

Deserves him right for treating me like that. I scoff and turn towards the door to see two guards. Great.

One runs towards me but I side step him and the other one also runs toward me but I punch him in the face.

He stumbles back but then he collects his composure and walks towards me. He holds up a sword and goes for my legs but I jump over it. Then, I kick it out of his hand.

I grabbed his arm and put it between his shoulder blades; snapping it. He falls to the ground in pain and the other comes towards me.

I kick him in the face and watch as he falls on the floor. That's gonna hurt in the morning. I straddle him and start punching his face before I'm pulled back and my arms are firmly pressed against my back.

"Let go of me" I shout.

"No" the voice says. It sends a shiver down my spine. But not in a bad way.

"Jem" I breath. "Let me go"

"I can't do that, beautiful" he says with sadness clear in his voice.

He lifts me up and holds me tightly. He passes Zinnia and everyone in the entryway and takes me to my room.  He sits me on the bed and turns to leave. I grab his wrist and he looks towards me over his shoulder.

"Stay" I beg.

"I can't" he tells me.

"Please?" I whimper. He turns and kisses me briefly.

"I'm sorry, beautiful" he walks out of the door and leaves me alone.

My phone is still on my table, everything is where I left it. I tidy my room a bit more and sit on my window seat with a knife.

I fiddle with it, twirling it around. It's been 2 hours since Jem left the room. I've been sitting here, looking out my window. Looking at the world go by.

Sister Darsharna walks in just as I go to my cupboard to get my bow and arrow to practice. I close the cupboard empty handed.

"We let you free and you injure three hunters" she states.

"I didnt mean to do it" I say quietly, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Then why did you do it?" She asks me.

"I wanted more respect. I asked, he treated me horribly. I didn't mean to hurt them" I sigh "but they fought back and it became a fight"

"I believe you, child. But this must never happen again" she says.

"Yes, sister" I bow my head in respect.

When will she see Jem again? Who will visit her next? Why did sister Darsharna visit her?

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