24. The wedding was a success... almost

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The boys are at the alter greeting the guests and I'm at home doing Kaitlyn's make up. My mums doing her hair. By the time we finish she is absolutely gorgeous.

"It's perfect" Kait breaths. I look at my watch.

"We've got to go. The carriage is here" I say. 

We help Kait walk down the stairs in her heels and into the cart where we sit and go to the alter.

As soon as we get there the ceremony begins. Ace takes her hand and guides her down the aisle. The father is taking th daughter down the isle.

I stand behind Kait and we go through the ceremony. It's dull, but I always find weddings dull. They exchange vows and say their 'I do's' and we make it to the rest of the wedding which is down the road.

Walking distance for us hunters and mythical creatures. My whole family is here, even Zinnia and Cassia. We walk down the street in silence. Me and Jem hand in hand.

"Amity, can I speak to you?" Ace asks. My full name, that means it's serious. Oh God no. This is not going to go well. I slow down my pace so I'm walking side by side with Ace.

"Cassia," Jem begins "Let's have a race"

Jem and Cassia play whilst Zinnia is in front with them to make sure Jem doesn't hurt her.

Myself and Ace walk back so they can't hear our conversation although I know Jem can.

"Amity" he begins. I don't say anything, it's better for him to get it all off of his chest. "I know your in a relationship with Jem and he's a great guy but I just think you should go for someone better"

"Better?" I scoff.

"Yes.  A hunter, someone your age who's a hunter like you. His name is Dan Samuels. He's a lovely boy. You trained with him when you were younger, in fact" He carries on.

"No, Dan was horrific. He couldn't wield a sword or throw a knife. He couldn't use the electrum whip or bow and arrow. He's horrific. He's not even athletic" I complain.

"Have a think about it, Ty. I think you'll like him a lot more now" Ace tries to persuade me.

"No, dad. It's too late" I say.

"Too late?" He asks wearily.

"Jem marked me" I announce.

"HE WHAT!?" Ace screams.

"Calm down, dad. I asked him to do it" I say.

"How? Why?" He questions quickly.

"I'm sure you know how, as for why..." I trail off.

"Tell me Ty. Please? Why would you choose him over someone of your own kind" Ace asks.

"Jem is no different to anyone else. He may be a werewolf but it doesn't mean I don't love him" I say sternly.

Do I love him? Love is a strong word. Many mortals say it but then it's thrown away when they break up. So it wasn't true love.

Love is a word that makes everything seem a lot different than it was before. Love is a feeling which you get when you meet your soul mate.

"Love?" Ace gulps, knowing that he just disowned his own future son-in-law. I love Jem. That's the truth.

"Yes, I love him. He's my life, he's my everything" I smile at the thought of Jem.

"Are you sure? Love is a strong word, isn't it? You should use it wisely" Ace asks as we catch up to the others. Jem wraps his arms around my waist from behind me and rests his head on my shoulder.

"I am positive about this, dad. If I didn't love him I wouldn't have let him mark me" I say.

Jem tightens his hold around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. Ace huffs and storms off towards Zinnia and Cassia.

"You love me?" Jem whispers in my ear, making a pleasurable shiver go down my back.

"Definetly" I turn around to press my lips gently to his in a quick kiss.

"You call that a kiss?" He asks and presses his lips to mine once more. Our lips moving together in sync for a while. We lean away from eachother and lean our foreheads together.

"I love you" Jem smiles. I smile wider and kiss him once more.

"I love you too" I whisper. We pull away and walk to the hall to take our seats.


They said the "L" word? Does this mean everything is going to be looking good for Ty?

Don't forget to vote on this chapter and leave a comment so I know what to improve for next time 💜

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