15. Telling the truth to my boyfriend is not easy

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"I was 5 years old when I first started training in Wales with my dad. He married Zinnia when I was 8 years old and she never liked me. I don't know why. Zinnia was pregnant with Cassia. When I was 12 years old Zinnia started hitting me. At first I thought it was self defence. But after the first 6 months I saw a pattern. She would only hit me when Ace and Cassia and Kaitlyn weren't around. I learnt to cover it up. Over the years it got worse and worse.

"After 3 years of her hitting me, I found this place. Mya brought me in. She doesn't know the story behind it but she knows my true name. We thought of the name Danger because I can put people in Danger when I'm here. Everyone here thinks I'm a simple mortal.

"That's what I like. You see, I'm a nobody without my weapons. I can't fight without them. This place has helped me. I'm as good as anyone who comes by here looking for a simple fight. I take out my anger here, I can't take it out on Zinnia.

"She doesn't go out to battle so she never comes home with bruises. I can't touch her back, it would break my heart to see the sort of reaction Cassia would have towards it." I look at Jem. He doesn't say anything but he stays quiet for me to go on with the story.

"I never came here often because I wasn't here often. But now I live here. I was thinking it was all in the past, what Zinnia did to me. But when Cassia and Ace were gone for the night and Zinnia took me into her office...

"We were talking and she started to become aggressive. She grabbed my shoulder and pushed my head so she could examine my neck to see if you claimed me, then when she started to hurt me I got up and walked across the room to the window, away from her.

"She moved towards me and hit me repeatedly until I fell to my knees. I didn't show her the pain I was in. She left me in her office in a pool of my own blood. I moved to go up to my room before it got worse, by the time I got there I was in excruciating pain and I fainted on my bed. Letting the darkness consume me." I finished my story and looked at Jem for his reaction.

I don't know what I expected, exactly. But it wasn't what happens next. Jem sits closer to me and puts his arms around me. He hugs me close.

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there for you, T-Danger" he says. I know he didn't stutter on purpose. He nearly said my real name before remembering it wasn't my name here. I smiled at that but then it quickly faded.

"You still could've come cliff diving with us though" Jem said. I shook my head sadly.

"I don't want the boys to see my bruised body. I didn't want you near me when I had so much anger bottled up inside of me" I say.

"I understand, Danger. I do" he said. I leant my head on his shoulder as I felt safe in his arms. It felt like a massive weight off of my shoulders.

"No one knows this, not even Ace or Abby, please don't tell them" I said. Jem doesn't say anything but he does nod. I stay like that for a few minutes before sighing and getting up.

Jem looks at me, clearly confused. I go to my locker and get the black boxing tape I use for my hands. I wrap it around my hands like I usually do. I walk towards the training part.

There's a separate area for the matches. When you come through the door you see people training with the punching bags and stuff like that, then there's the locker room in between and through another door is the boxing ring. I walk up the slightly raised ground and find a punch bag.

I start practicing my punches and kicks. Left hook, left hook, right hook, left hook, right hook, kick. Jem stands by the side and watches.

"Yo Danger" Mya calls. I don't stop. She knows I won't.  I kept punching and kicking harder.

"I see you couldn't stay still, even with your boyfriend here" she says. I grunt once and keep punching and kicking.

"Look, I need you to fight tonight, 6 o'clock sound alright to you?" She asks. I grab the top of the punching bag to hold it still and rest my head on it.

"How much?" I ask

"£340" Audrey says

"Alright" I say. That means I have at least half an hour before it begins.

In these rings, we don't have gloves. We have tape or nothing. That's how it is. Mya walks away and Jem comes up to me. I ignored him standing next to me and kept punching for at least another 15 minutes before taking a break before my fight soon.

I walk into the changing rooms to undo the tape on my hands. I should change it before my fight. I've been punching so much that the tape has ripped. I see the small spot of blood on my wrist and look in the mirror on the wall and take down my hood to see my bruised face.

I can't help myself and I scream and punch my locker really hard. It dents the metal which just makes me even angrier. Someone comes up behind me and grabs my hands before I can do anything else.

I hate the way Zinnia has made me look. I look weak and pathetic. Just like she told me. Maybe she's right.

The person turns me to face them. I look up and see Jem. He has my hands in his and he brings me so I'm sitting on his lap. He looks down at my hands.

"It's ok" he says softly "don't take it out on yourself" he says.

He takes my hands and unwraps the tape carefully. I can tell he doesn't want to hurt me. He throws the ruined tape in the bin and wraps his arms around me, making me feel secure. Why did he make me feel this way?

"What was Mya talking to you about?" He whispers into my ear. That's when I remember. It's nearly 6.

I quickly get up and go to my locker. Jem gets up with me. He pops the dent I made out of the locker so it looked like it did before.

"I have a fight on the ring in a minute" I say. I grab my tape and wrap it around my hands again.

"What?" Jem says in disbelief.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on them. Plus, I'm not good at fighting without weapons, remember?"

"Yeah but, now?" He asks. As if in response to the question, the announcer says

"TONIGHT, WE HAVE TEMPER VS DAISY" I snort at the name of the person I'm against.

I quickly kiss Jem on the cheek and run out of the changing rooms to the ring. The seats are filled and I go to the ring. It's a simple fight.

Jem sits next to Mya on my side of the ring at the front and cheer me on. After a good 5 minutes, 'daisy' is out cold and I leave the ring with the name of champion again.

I unwrap my hands as I go towards the changing rooms. I quickly grab my bag and I collect my money from Mya. Then I leave and head towards my bike.

"Hey, Danger, wait up" Jem calls. I see him run behind me. He walks up to me and grabs me by the waist. I'm against my bike. He kisses me softly on the lips a few times before pulling away.

"Please be careful. If she hurts you, don't hesitate to contact me, I will be there within a milisecond" he says simply.

"Thanks, babe" I say. I kiss him once more before putting my helmet on and riding home.


What's waiting for Ty when she gets home?

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