Chapter 23 🔥Her Salvation

Start from the beginning

They waited for a few minutes before the door finally creaked open, revealing a scared young woman.

"What took you so long?" he complained, sauntering inside the chamber.

"I'm sorry. I tried to hide Aquarius... You know, just in case." The girl was obviously a Sirenian but to Deborah's utter disbelief... She didn't recognize her at all.

The Sirenian Queen's gaze went back and forth between the two beings beneath her. She looked more and more confused but intrigued at the same time. Deborah didn't expect that Veron had an access inside her own kingdom.

Aquarius... She silently mused.

"Where is he?" Veron asked after nodding at the girl's answer.

"I'll take him," the woman beamed and headed towards the walk-in closet. "He is growing up faster than normal," the girl reported when she came back, cradling a sleeping baby in her arms.

Deborah gasped when she finally saw the baby... He has scarlet hair. Somehow, her heart skipped a beat just by looking at him. Her gut was giving her warnings. She was dying to know—or rather, to confirm—who the baby was. Although deep inside, she had the nagging feeling that sent shivers down her spine.

Aquarius... The name rolled off her tongue easily. She longingly stared at him.

"I'm taking both of you out of here. It's no longer safe here," Veron answered instead, ignoring the girl's previous comments.

"Where are we going then?" The girl didn't seem to mind his cold shoulder.

"To the Human Realm," was Veron's short reply.

"How long are we gonna stay there? Are you not planning to give Aquarius back to his family?"

The sorcerer eyed the girl with a raised eyebrow. He gave her a ridiculous look before answering, "He's already dead to them. I must keep his existence a secret at all costs. For now, at least..." An evil smirk was plastered on his lips.

"But... That's unfair," the woman protested. She was looking at the baby with a sad look on her face.

"Stop your nonsense! Are you still up for the job or do I need to find someone else?"

"Of course, I will stay with Aquarius," The woman took a few nervous steps backward, hugging the little bundle possessively in her chest.

"Good, I need you to be ready in an hour. Come, give him to me." She slowly walked towards him. Her steps were hesitant, but nevertheless, she carefully placed the baby on the waiting arms of her master.

For the first time since he came in, Veron finally looked at the baby who was snuggled in his arms. His body looked so tiny inside the king's huge frame. A small smile tugged his lips. He tenderly cupped his small face and whispered, "One day, Aquarius... One sweet day and you will be reunited with your family. Princess Aqua will be so happy to know that you're alive..."

Deborah sucked in a surprised breath. She vigorously shook her head in disbelief. She didn't know what to feel exactly. The queen was happy to know that her daughter's son lived... But, she was conflicted about Veron's real motive moreover the complication of the first ever male Siren that existed. It couldn't be good. No, it would be disastrous. Veron will be using Aquarius against them. She wondered if he knew about Aqua's parentage.

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