Chapter 20 🔥 One Option Left

Depuis le début

Yeah, I'm really dead. She muttered in disappointment when she saw her incorporeal body.

Cassia was so busy mulling over things that she was startled when Sylvie spoke again beneath her.

"Try, Cassia. Just look out, I promise you won't regret it." The queen tried to persuade her.

"No, thank you. If you don't mind, I want to be left alone," came the lifeless answer.

Cassia realized how grumpy she was and wondered how much patience did Sylvie bought to put up with her. They weren't even related and heck, she wouldn't have had patience for herself. She exhaled an irritated sigh thinking that maybe she was brought there to realize how shameful she was.

"Alright, whatever that suits you. Just in case, I won't close this curtain. Come and close it yourself later." Sylvie smiled once again and started to walk towards the door.

"Sylvie?" Cassia called out in a small voice.

"Hmnn?" came the soft response.

"Um, t-thank you." Cassia said softly then turn away, covering herself with the blanket.

"Not at all, Cassia. Rest well, I will visit you again." Sylvie answered then left.

The ghost Cassia was confused and was trying to figure out about what was the point of everything when she happened to look out of the window for the first time. It was indeed a beautiful garden full of colorful flowers. But what really caught her attention was a woman wearing a servant's uniform carrying a baby.

She squinted her eyes to take a good look, unfortunately, it was too far to see the baby's face. Her eyes darted between her old self who was starting to sob again and to the baby outside the window when something finally clicked inside her mind.

Cassia tried to will herself to move towards the garden but she was glued to her place unable to do anything.

It's my Augustus! My baby!

She shouted and cried silently. Her hands reaching out, yearning towards her son. It's no wonder Sylvie was forcing her to look outside. The Faerian Queen didn't hide her son on purpose.

It was her who refused!

It was her who gave up!

Slowly, she recalled the countless times that Sylvie came for visits and she realized that Sylvie did the same thing over and over again for three years!

It was her who didn't even try, not even once.

It was her!

The impact of the realization was so strong that Cassia wailed a soundless shriek.

Her poor Agnus didn't deserve a mother like her...


Phoenician Realm
Present Time

The chamber's pressured silence was momentarily disturbed when the circle geared into life again. Everyone was shocked when it didn't even take a couple of hours. They watched Cassia walked towards the inner circle and soon enough another pair was chosen—Mystyq and Veron.

The Unveiled ONE 🔥 Final Installation Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant