Original: Chapter 47 - Fear

Start from the beginning

Mother knows about the blackmail and she doesn't judge me for doing something that I could have figured a way out of. I could have figured a way out of it if I had tried hard enough, but it was either lose my business and my family's good reputation or hurt someone who meant little to me at the time.

If only I had taken the time to get to know her, we could have figured this out together and neither of us would be in this situation. She would be by my side, she would be mine to love and cherish, not in danger from that asshole who wants nothing more than her body.

It was 11:30 so I knew Kelly would still be awake. I clicked her caller ID and waited for an answer on the other end of the phone.

"...It's about time you dick," she yelled causing me to pull my phone away from my ear slightly.

"Are you busy?" I asked her.


"I'm coming to pick you up, I have some explaining to do," I said and ended to phone call. I pulled on a pair of pants and a hoodie along with my trainers and raced down the stairs to my car.

Once arriving at my parents' house it was close to midnight but I knew that I needed advice and Kelly is the only one who would give me the no bullshit approach. I climbed on top of the gazebo that was located underneath Kelly's bedroom window. I felt as if I were a teenager again trying to sneak back into my parent's house after a night of drinking with my friends.

I tapped lightly on the window and saw her shadowy figure spin around and glare at me. She stormed over to the window and lifted it. I gestured for her to climb out. Once we both had our feet safely on the ground again she turned and punched me straight in the stomach.

"That's for ghosting on me," she punched me again, this time a bit harder, "that's for forcing Sophia to leave," she punched me once again, "and that..." she paused. "Is because why the hell not! You've been an asshole!"

"Can I explain?" I said sternly.


I explained everything to her on the way to our destination; the tracker in Brad's phone, his plan to kidnap Sophia, take her to another country and even my reconnection with Lia. I can't live a life of lies anymore, so it's best to clear the air with someone who I can trust to keep a secret.

"Does anyone else know?" Kelly said.

"I can't trust anyone else. You know how irrational Jackson thinks and acts, I can't trust him with this and as for Mother and Father, they try to solve everything by the books and that won't work this time. I'm trusting you to keep this quiet."

"Mom and Dad have a right to know Noah..."

"Kelly," I warned.

"She was living in our house for months after you kicked her to the streets, she became like a daughter to them, they will understand."

I sighed, "no they won't, some of the things I have done and will have to do are illegal. Regardless whether I'm their son or not they work for the government. That's who they answer to."

"Noah you know I'm a terrible liar,"

"Well, you better get better then because I'm sure you would appreciate me not telling our parents that you have been sneaking out every Saturday to spend time with that boy Mason. Oh and how about that evening you spent together in Hawaii. I'm sure they'd be thrilled to find out you are in a very..." I emphasised the next word, "...very serious relationship with him."

"Yo- how did you know tha-" She stuttered.

"I'm your older brother I watch out for you," I said simply. "So we understand each other? No talking about any of this. Got it?" She nodded in response.

We arrived at the destination. A place I hadn't been to in a very long time, it was a hill. There was nothing special about this hill except having a picnic table set up at the top under a shelter which overlooked a drive-in movie theatre.

"I can't believe I've never been here before," Kelly said in awe of the view. A movie was playing on the screen but we could not hear it. It set a calming and relaxing tone for us to continue our conversation away from civilisation.

"Sophia. Does she know about Brad's plans?" Kelly asked the question I've been waiting to hear.

"No," I said simply. "She can't know, not until I have fixed this mess.

"Why? She has a right to know."

"It's my mess I need to sort it," I started to get frustrated.

She put her head into her hands and rubbed her face, a gesture I have been known to do from time to time, "why are you always trying to be the knight in shining armour Noah! For once just accept help when you need it. I thought you told me all of this for my help, but it still seems like you are trying to fix this to make yourself feel better and trust me that's the wrong reason to do this. You need to fight this battle for Sophia and for yourself. You two are meant for each other..."

I was about to interrupt her but she held a finger up.

"I've never seen you look at anyone the way you look at her, I know you love her and she loves you too. I know you're scared that you will lose her, so don't risk everything just to make yourself out to be the hero. I will help you so just tell me what you need and consider it done."

"Are you sure?" I asked my 22-year-old sister who is clearly able to take care of herself after that speech. She nodded.

"In that case, I need you to purchase some drugs." 

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