Chapter 19: Ugh! Babysitting. Again.

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Once we reached home, the kids started going upstairs to take a shower.

"Great you're here," said Dad, coming from the living room, "What took you so long? I need to go out and meet some people after this. Can you take care of the kids?"

"Yeah, whatever," I said, not looking at him.

"Great, I'll be back late. Stay here until your mom comes. And remember you're not allowed to go out since you're grounded," he reminded.

Then, he left to tell the other kids. I went to the kitchen to get myself a drink.

"Emmy!!!" squealed Haley, who was walking around in the kitchen.

"Hey, Hales!" I said, grabbing her and swinging her in the air.

She grabbed my face with both of her hands and started to laugh.

"How are you?" I asked, putting her down so that I could pour myself some juice.

"Gooda!" she screamed.

I smiled at her. She was such a cutie. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the living room so that we could sit down. I sat down on the couch and lifted her up to my lap.

"You wanna watch TV?" I asked her, while turning on the TV.

When Dad came down, Haley cried, "Dada!"

"I'm gonna go somewhere sweetie," he said, heading over towards us.

He picked Haley up in his arms.

"You be good, Haley. Stay with your older sister and make sure she doesn't go anywhere," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Then, he put her down on the floor and left.

I decided to watch an episode of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, while I was waiting for the rest to take a shower.

"Emily!!!" shouted Peter, running down the stairs.

"Hey, no running on the stairs!" I said.

"Emily, Emily!" cried Sarah.

"What? What's wrong guys?" I asked.

"Sarah won't let me use my Spiderman costume!" he screamed.

"Mommy said that you shouldn't use your costume, unless it's for Halloween," retorted Sarah.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa guys. Stop fighting," I said.

"But I want to wear it now!" said Peter.

"Peter," I said, "Why do you want to wear it now?"

"I wanna be Spiderman and rescue people," he said.

"Don't you have homework or something?" I asked.

"Yes, but it's not due for tomorrow. It's due the next two days," he said.

"I don't know. Mommy's gonna get mad," said Sarah, turning around and heading up the stairs.

"Sarah's right, Peter. I think you should do your homework first," I said.

"But I don't want to!" he said, putting up his grumpy face while crossing his arms.

He actually looked kind of funny and cute when he does that. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, tell you what? If you finish your homework quick then maybe I'll let you wear your Spiderman costume," I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

He ran towards me and gave me a hug.

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