Chapter 15: Happy Family

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The next morning, I woke up to see Tom standing over me with Tyler in his hands. I yawned and rubbed my sleepy eyes awake. Tyler was whimpering, reaching for me.

"Hey, what's wrong buddy?" I asked him, grabbing his hand in mine.

"He woke up about ten minutes ago," said Tom.

"Sorry, didn't hear him," I murmured.

I sat up in my bed and grabbed my baby brother. I gave him a morning kiss on the head.

"You didn't cry at all last night, baby," I said, smiling at him.

He turned to look up at me. He touched me in the face.

"Good boy," I said, giving his hands a kiss.

Then, I got out of bed and went downstairs to make my brother a bottle of milk. I put him in his highchair. The dog was pawing at the backyard door. I opened the door and he came charging in, his tail wagging wildly.

I bent down, scratched him behind his ears, and said, "Hey boy!"

He licked me and continued to wag his tail at me.

"'s been a long time since you've gone for a walk," I said, "I'll walk you after I feed my baby brother ok?"

I patted him on his back and went over the kitchen to get some dog food. I put the water and food bowl on the floor beside Tyler's highchair. Tyler pointed at the dog and gurgled happily at him. I made Tyler a bottle and put it on his highchair.

"You wanna drink by yourself, Tyler?" I asked, preparing another bottle for Haley.

When he didn't grab the bottle, I decided to go and feed him myself. I grabbed him out of the highchair and went over to the living room couch. I sat down and turned on the TV. I laid Tyler down on my arms and started feeding him. I turned the channel to watch some news. Tyler played with my hair while he drank his bottle of milk. I looked down at him and when his eyes met mine, I smiled at him. He was the cutest thing in the whole wide world. Tom came downstairs a couple minutes later.

"Hey are any of the other kids awake yet?" I asked.

"I think I saw Jason go to the bathroom a couple minute ago," he replied.

He went over to the kitchen to grab a glass of juice.

"Hey boy," said Tom, when he saw the dog eating in the kitchen.

Seconds later, Jason came walking down the stairs.

"Hey, Jace," I said.

"Hey," he mumbled.

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" I asked.

"I guess so. Why are you asking me so many questions?" he said.

"Because I'm your older sister and I care about you," I said.

"You want some juice?" asked Tom.

"Nah, I feel like eating cereal," said Jason.

He grabbed a bowl and filled it with some milk and cereal. Then, he grabbed his bowl and came towards me. He took the TV remote from me.

"Hey! I was watching that, you twerp!" I said.

He gave me a sly grin. I shook my head and nudged him with my shoulder, while grinning at him.

Tyler kicked his legs at Jason's arms, causing him to splash some milk on his face.

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