Chapter 16: Back to School

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About two weeks had passed since my little sister went home from the hospital. Mom's legs had healed. It was also time for all of us to go back to school.

"Come on guys! You're all going to be late for school if you don't hurry up," said Mom, washing the dishes in the kitchen.

The kids were brushing their teeth and getting ready their school bags.

"Robert, you watch the babies today alright? I've gotta drop off the kids and then I'm off to work," she said, finishing up the dishes.

My dad was on his phone while eating his breakfast.

I was standing in front of the door and ready to go.

"Come on guys! We're gonna be late!" said Mom.

The kids came rushing toward the garage door while Mom gave them their lunch bags.

"Bye Dad!!!" the kids shouted.

"Bye! Love you guys!" he said.

My mom turned to him and gave my dad a kiss, goodbye.

Then she went over to the babies and gave them all a kiss.

"Bye my sweeties! Mommy loves you!" she said.

She ran towards the rest of us and we hopped on our minivan.

"Okay kids. You ready for your first day of school?" Mom asked through the rearview mirror.

She backed out of our driveway and drove towards the kids' elementary school.

The little kids seemed excited but also a little scared to go back to school. Jason looked the opposite of that. He looked unexcited and annoyed. I couldn't read Hannah's expression because she was using her earphones, listening to music.

When we arrived at their school Mom asked them if they needed her to go with them. It was Peter's first year of kindergarten, so he was kind of hesitant to ask Mom to come with him.

"But Mom, we're gonna be late!" I said, after Peter asked our mom to go inside.

"It'll only take a while," she said.

"I'll take him!" said Sarah, enthusiastically.

She was the only one of us who seemed really excited to go to school.

"Don't worry, I'll take him all the way to his classroom and show him around!" said Sarah.

"But Mommy, I'm scared," said Peter, putting on a sad face.

"Don't worry I'll go with you, Peter," said Hannah.

I looked at the time. We were gonna be late if we didn't leave soon.

"You sure?" asked Mom.

"It's okay Mom. I got this," said Hannah, "Come on Peter."

Hannah got out of the car with the little kids and Jason followed behind. Hannah grabbed Peter's hand and led him to the front of the school.

"Are you really sure?" asked Mom.

"Mom! Yes they're sure! He'll be fine, just go already! I don't wanna be late on our first day!" I shouted.

"Alright, alright!" she said, "Just let me say goodbye."

I rolled my eyes when she went out of the car. She kissed the kids and gave Peter a huge hug.

"Bye buddy!" I heard her say.

Then, she went back inside and headed towards Oakland High.

Once we arrived, Mom asked me, "Emily, can you walk home today? I think I'm gonna be staying late at the school since it's the first day and all."

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